i. sunshine reincarnate

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── sunshine reincarnate

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          𝖂hen most people thought of words to describe Aurora Trueman, they would say 'talented' or 'up and comer' or 'next big thing' or something like that. Each headline had it's own adjective and way of describing her, whether they be good or bad but all settled on one thing unanimously.

She had the voice of an angel, or as close to one as there ever could be.

Whether that was an insult or a compliment, no one was quite sure but it was true. Whenever Aurora Trueman opened her mouth and sang, you could barely focus on anything else but the feel of her music, the way the lyrics changed and washed over you like a blanket in the cold or water in the heat and when you saw her on stage? There was no comparison. Despite her limited set list, when she was invited to perform her songs, it was like watching a siren at work, captivating everyone around her.

She would only laugh and brush people off, remind them that the idea of it all was a bit silly and that she had just been lucky and blessed with a good voice.

When people tried to pry further, in interviews and on talk shows, as to why Aurora Trueman had a voice that flowed like sunlight through a forest, she was quick to make a joke and move the conversation in a different direction. Aurora Trueman was a mystery and a mystery she would remain for as long as possible.

Paparazzi and other celebrity gossip forums had tried to find her parents, to track down where they were or who she had gone to school with but it was like she had appeared three years earlier on a children's TV show and that was where she began. It was like she was formed with the specific purpose of being a singer and that was how Aurora Trueman preferred it all.

She liked being a mystery, being impossible to read or to get a hold of. It was her favourite thing to be.

"Five minutes!" There was a call through the halls as Aurora looked back into the mirror for the final time. Her makeup was done as her mother taught her, her hair slightly curled and her purple dress didn't have any makeup stains on it.

As she had been doing for the past three years, ever since she had really became a sort of star, she rehearsed what she would say if someone asked her about her family, or her parents. Her mother had told her once that it was best to tease people with information, dangle it over their heads and make them work for it, before dropping something insignificant that people would make significant.

It had worked so far and her mother had been very praising about that.

The issue was, her mother was halfway around the world and Aurora Trueman was on her own and when she was on her own, she panicked a little more and thought a little too deeply about what she said and who she was and if she was being fair to all those around her.

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