Chapter 10

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Ring! Ring!
"Beck, the door!" my mom yells to me from downstairs.
"I know!" I yell back to her as I rush down the steps, my backpack slung around my shoulder.
Monday morning has arrived, and with it, Noah. I open the door, and Noah's standing there on the porch, looking cute as ever.
"Hey," he says with a little smile.
"Hey yourself," I respond, teasing him. He smiles again, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. Something's off, I can tell.
I'm about to speak when my mom interrupts.
"Gotta go, can't be late for my shift, love you, bye!" she says quickly, pushing past me in the doorway and rushing down to the car.
"Make sure to lock the door!" she yells out the window as she drives away.
Because the middle school starts earlier than the high school, my sister is always the first to leave, then my dad goes in one car, my mom goes in the other car,  and I'm the only one remaining. This happens every day, and yet she still worries I'll forget. If that isn't the perfect example of my mom's brain, I don't know what else is. 
I sigh as I pull the door shut, twisting the lock. Noah and I glance at each other, and we lean in for a quick kiss. Some of the awkwardness disappears as his lips graze mine, but I can still feel his hesitancy. I'm hoping it's just new relationship jitters (not that I would know).
"I hope it's okay, but I told my family, Tara, and Jocelyn about us," I say, hoping to quell whatever feelings of worry he might have.
"Fine with me," he responds. "I've told my parents, but not any of my friends yet. I will, though."
"I promise," he adds, glancing at me quickly. We keep walking, but now it feels as if a cloud has come over us. A gray, rain-filled cloud, threatening to burst into a thunderstorm at any moment. We're approaching the courtyard when I stop him. I squeeze his hand softly.
"If something is going on with us-" I begin, but I'm cut off.
"Hey, Noah!" Annoying Jock #1 (aka Isaiah) says, running up to us. I quickly drop Noah's hand. I would hate for his friends to find out about us before he tells them.
"Uhhh, I'll talk to you later," I tell Noah as I back away slowly.
"Guess what," Isaiah says to Noah as Annoying Jock #2 (aka Lucas) walks up beside them. "My brother was telling me about something you did over the weekend."
I stop in my tracks. Is he talking about Noah meeting with me?
"Dude, that was so smart!" I hear Lucas whisper. "Getting election ideas from Beck? I would never have thought of that!"
"Mad respect, man," Isaiah continues. "Using your looks to gain power? You're basically a politician already! You're for sure going to win this election!"
Lucas laughs as if Isaiah said something funny. As if they didn't just tear my world to shreds. As if Noah didn't just break my heart.
The gray cloud has finally burst. There's a pounding in my ears like thunder, and the tears starting to slide down my cheeks feel like fresh rain. Everything finally makes sense. Why else would he show this sudden interest in me after years of rivalry? Why else would he date me, an awkward, never-been-kissed nerd? Why else would he feel regretful that night at the park? Why else wouldn't he tell his friends about our relationship? And why else would he stay silent as Lucas and Isaiah congratulate him?
"Beck!" Noah finally turns to me as I walk away, hugging my backpack tightly. "I can explain!"
But when I look back at him, through angry, tear-stained eyes, all I can see is the sixth-grader who ignored me all those years ago
Tara and I were sitting at our lunch table together, on the first day of sixth grade, discussing our favorite books, when one of the teachers made an announcement.
"Attention, Sixth Graders!" she yells. "We have a new student joining us today! His name is Noah, make sure he feels welcome!"
Everyone returned to lunch as usual as I watched Noah sit down at the "Sporty" table.
When we all ran outside for recess, I thought I'd be nice to Noah and welcome him.
"Hi! Nice to meet you, Noah, my name's Beck, and-"
"Um, I'm sorry, I have to go..." he sprinted away to the corner of the schoolyard without so much as a look in my direction.
'Whatever, it's fine', I thought to myself at the time. 'It's not like he hates me.'
For someone who considers themselves smart, I really am dumb when it comes to Noah Ackerman.

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