𝑰𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑨𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒏 {𝔓.25}...

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Zohe and Arden decide to take a peaceful walk at night , they later found themselves immersed in the enchanting atmosphere of a moonlit walk, where the stars painted a serene backdrop in the vast canvas of the night sky. Zohe, in awe, couldn't help but express her joy.

Zohe: "Isn't it amazing, Like a sky full of glitter."

Arden decide to be little flirty today and have some fun
Arden, with his signature smirk, replied, "Well, you're the one who adds shine to night."

Caught off guard by the unexpected sweetness, Zohe awkwardly chuckled, her cheeks tinged with a rosy blush.

Noticing her reaction, Arden couldn't resist teasing with a smirk, "Haha, look at your face, like you've seen a ghost."

Playfully indignant, Zohe retorted, "Stop with the playful lines. You know I don't like them."

"But you love them in actual"he tease her

Feigning annoyance, Zohe crossed her arms, determined to maintain her stance.

"No, I don't. And stop smirking; it's irritating."Zohe reply

Widening his smirk,

Arden: "Oh, am I getting under your skin, Zohe?"

Zohe, with a cute scowl, replied, "Maybe a little."

As they continued their walk, the soft glow of the moonlight created a magical ambiance. Arden, seizing the romantic moment, surprised Zohe by taking her hand and twirling her gently under the celestial canopy.

Arden: "You know, Zohe, you're like a burst of color in my otherwise monochrome world."

Caught off guard by the unexpected tenderness, Zohe blushed even more.

Zohe: "Arden, you're being... unexpectedly today."

Feigning innocence, Arden shrugged.

Arden: "Just stating the obvious, love."

Mustering a bit of cute anger, Zohe squinted at him.

Zohe: "Love? Ugh, stop it, Arden!"

Unfazed, Arden, with a mischievous glint, pulled her into a gentle embrace.

Arden: "You love it, admit it."

Melting into his arms, Zohe replied with a teasing smile.

Zohe: "Maybe a little."

Their playful banter continued as they shared laughter, exchanged stolen glances, and reveled in the delightful dance of the moonlit night. Arden, sensing the romantic atmosphere, couldn't resist a final playful remark.

Arden: "You know, Zohe, the moonlight suits you. Almost as much as my teasing does."

Zohe, rolling her eyes with a smile, raised her eyebrows.

Zohe: "Aren't you being too much today, huh, Mister?"

The night echoed with their laughter and the sweet melody of a cute fight, a symphony that only deepened the connection between Zohe and Arden under the magical moonlit sky.

INDIAN BRIDE OF ARDEN (Marriage Of Convenience)Where stories live. Discover now