CHP 1.

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            SYRIAH MULAN VALENTINE                             DELAWARE                                                 $$$$$$$

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My name is syriah .. and at 12 years old I murder my whole family. Because they mistreated me and I was sick of everything the voices in my head told me to kill them all and I did. I didn't wanna do it but .. the voices wouldn't stop telling me to kill them all ..

After that I went on the run. I moved away from New Jersey and I moved all the way to Delaware by myself at 12 years old. They didn't know I killed my family so they thought I was kidnapped but that wasn't the case. I was put into a foster home out here and the people was cool enough to keep me here cause my family was dead anyways.

I'm now 20 years old. And I'm a scammer & crazy .. ig? And I lived in the foster home all my life since nobody wanted to adopt me which I didn't really care for anyways I all I need is myself. That's why the voices help me


I got out my Benz and walked up to my plug door. I did percs and I smoked weed it helped with a lot of my trauma and pain I dealt with.
As I walked to the house I realized he had people over because it was a few guys on the porch.

"Waddup sy" he said and I waved at him and he went into the house to grab the products "you cute ma" one of the boys said to me and I just looked at him. He wasn't ugly but he was cute. He was medium ugly and that wasn't for me.

"Bye." I said turning my head waiting for rio to come out the house "don't come ova here wit dat negative shi" I heard one of the boys say and I looked around I saw this one boy wit dreads , darkskin , big lips. Ouu chile he was fine.

".. uhm ok?" I said and I just laughed shaking my head "hea sy" rio came out handing me the drugs and I took it handing him the money "preciate sy ima see u" Rio said and I nodded waving bye to him walking to my car getting in before driving off.


I was in my house getting high. I liked to smoke by myself plus I ain't have no friends anyways. Bitches be weird, bonkers, delusional, insane , deranged, unhinged, unhealthy, unstable. I can keep going to be honest cause I never understood why girls gotta be weird??. I shrugged.

Taking an another puff from my blunt. And then I heard a knock at my door. I put my blunt down and I rushed to the door as the knocks got louder "yo I know u just left the trap a few minutes ago but can you do sumn fa me ?" Rio asked me

And I nodded looking at him confused "aight I need you to fight my sister again .. the bitch tweakin and she broke in my crib" he said and I shook my head "ok I'm coming" I said and I looked behind him seeing a big ass suv meaning he with his friends "aight sy ima be here"

I closed the door going to grab my hoodie, My Jordan's, and I tied my hair up "these bundles can't go to waste mama" I said and I walked out the door "sy u betta do that bitch in on my mama" . Me and Rio been cool for a long time and his sister she used to be my friend but she started being weird to me and Rio told me what wassup with her and I beat her up cause I felt like she was playing wit me cause I'm quite...

I got into the car and most of the guys looked at me so I mugged them "fuck ya lookin fa?" I said and Rio chuckled "chill sysy" he said driving off "she betta watch her fuckin mouth yo" I heard the boy from the front say and I looked at him "and what's gon happen if I don't ??" I said laughing and he shook his head "tf up".


"Rio she still in ya crib?" I asked and he nodded "we tried to get her out and she started hitting me and tweakin and she brought her friend so I told her ima bring u .. and her friend ain't touch yk im right behind u sy" he said and I nodded

I walked into his big house and saw everything recked shaking my head and she saw "wtf" she said and I looked at her "bitch you think-" i punched her dead in her mouth and she came running back up but i was keeping my head high and i giving her straight face shots "nah bitch don't jump in" I heard rio said behind me.

"Damn Rio .. this girl beating ya sister ass" I heard and I grabbed her hair dragging her out "BITCH STAY OUT" I said kicking her in face making her nose bleed. "RIO IMA GET NIGGAS FA U" she said running to her car and I shook my head "rio you own me a new hoodie"

I said pouting seeing her blood was all on my sweater. "I gotchu sy" he said laughing as we walked back into his crib "you beat that bitch ass and u fight like a nigga .." one of those boys said making Rio bust out laughing ".. boy" I said.

"My bad but it's true yo" he said and Rio was just dying laughing with his ugly ass laugh "Rio ain't shit funny" I said mugging him "nah cuh said u fight like a lil nigga I'm dead" he said sitting on his couch. "And my hands hurt now .." I said

And I walked to the couch sitting down next to that boy cause that was the only seat opened "you smoking" he asked passing me the blunt and I grabbed it. "Thank you" I said and he nodded



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