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Another pov

Rose was reading the book

And Jung kook was on computer

Rose said

Sir I complete reading the book

He of the computer

Jungkook said

Oh You read it firstly

Rose said

Yeah actually I was number 1 on in my school

I think it's too dark now go we will discuss the book tomorrow

Rose said

Okay sir and sorry for touching your things

Jungkook said

It's okay with the soft tone

In she left

She Outs from the company looking for the taxi someone shooted

Jimin said

Hey Rosy where are going

She becomes happy when she is so Jimin

Jimin said

How was your day is the boss was rude what happened what the refuse in worriedly tone

Rose said

Everything is okay don't worry the boss was very nice and he tells me to worth the book own myself

Jimin said


Rose said

But now help me to write this book because if he don't like it he will replace me to another writer

Jimin said

Ohh that would take a much time but don't worry I am here I will help you

Rose said

Thank you mochi

Jimin said

Hey rosy don't call mochi I'm not a baby'

Rose said

Okay fine

Jimin said

Okay come with me

than there left

Jungkook was in the car back sit the driver said so there are so traffic so we will late

Jungkook ahh shebaal then he open the car  glass and he saw a poor person

Jungkook said

ugh disgusting people's

Hey listen I want you to report the police to take this disgusting people on the jail

Okay sir

Jungkook said

Stop the car

Then he out from the car

you go I will call you when I need you

Jimin and rose were in the car

Rose said

Jimin stop the car

Jimin said


Rose said

Just stop the



She out From the car and saw a poor person who was so cold because it was snowing and he doesn't have a jacket to cover hisself from snow

She go to the poor person

Someone give me food some food

She put her hands to the pocket and she give him her all money

Thank you so much my daughter Meri Christmas

And she give him her jacket

No no I can take this

Rose said

This is Christmas gift from me so please take it and you are so old you are my grandma age so take it

Jimin was watching her with the cute smile

And she comes

Jimin said

Let's go

Rose said

Okay let's go

Jungkook was walking and suddenly he saw a poor guy

He takes the money from his hand

Jungkook said

You disgusting peoples don't you have  hands and legs you can save money by work

Please give me the money i don't eat anything from one day

Jungkook said

Disgusting lier

He throw his money to the streets

No please

Then he take of jacket

You deserve to be die in this snow

Then he kick him in left and take the jacket

To be continue *

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