Let the Hunt begin Part one

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A/N: ok before we get into this i'm only gonna do Two parts of let the hunt begins and it's only focusing on Michael as he will Try to survive in the jungle for 9 days without further due, let's get into it

You woke up in a cage and you were in the cave

Howler: what happened? Fighting with my teammates until I was knocked out. That's just great.

You probably open the bars with your bear strength you got out the cage

Howler: crash let's fall

You turn back to normal

Crash: I need something to eat. Do you have any raw meat on you?

Michael: as a matter of fact, I do

You took out fried chicken and then you fed tiny pieces of chicken too crash She ate the piece of chicken that you had and then you put it back in your pocket.

Crash: i'm guessing kraven is not gonna let us leave is he?

Michael: nope just going to be us fighting a whole bunch of hunters

Crash: Michael be warned Kraven a stronger and tough opponent to handle. He took down all of his prey because he is the ultimate hunter if I was you I'd be careful.

Michael: I'm careful all right he's gonna wish that he haven't kidnapped me crash let's rise

You transformed into howler

You ran out the cave, but suddenly you got hit by exploding arrows you were surrounded by hunters

Hunter: the boss wants your head on his wall, come quietly, and will save you the trouble

Howler: you're gonna wish you haven't kidnapped me

You start attacking the hunters with your bow staff 

Howler: let me tell you how this is all gonna go down. You are going to get me out of this jungle, and then you are gonna tell me where Kraven is.

Hunter 3: that's the best part you are gonna have to find him all by yourself. If you want to get out this jungle, you're gonna have to find him on your own after you're done, Paris will be our hunting ground.

Howler: he's going to wish she came to Paris, France

You were knocking down Hunter's left and right with your cool moves. You did not let up you sent one Hunter flying into a tree and then you ran at a hunter while he was shooting at you. You uppercut him in the face knocking him down but the rest of the hunters called reinforcements.

Howler: all great more

Female hunter: come on guys live to hunt

Hunters: live two hunts!!!!!

Howler: howling moon

You used your special ability you got in the middle of the hunters and then you were bursting with electricity blasting them all away, but there was this brute Hunter that hit you with his hammer sending you flying, but you were on a cliff

Brute, hunter: this is power

Howler: no, this is

You grabbed the brute hunter with all your mite, and then you pulled him down. You two were falling. To your doom, but you knew that this was going to be very painful fall you hit a bunch of trees during the fall but you hit the ground.

Howler: ow ow my arm my arm!!!

You snapped your arm back in place, but it really hurt

Howler: have to get out of this jungle I don't even know where Kraven is but at the same time I'm being stalked

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