Part 12

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Days passed and Ibrahim was working in his office when someone came inside without knocking and he looked up to see Khalid.
"Becky is their friend so she might know where they are" Khalid said as soon as he got inside
"Yes why didn't it came to my mind" Ibrahim replied
"Let's go at night to their house and ask her" Khalid said
"Yes please Allah this is our last hope, please help us" Ibrahim whispered
"Okay then remain ready at 6 pm i will call Saad too" Khalid said and with that he went back.

Ibrahim felt a little hope to meet them.
It was 05:30 when Ibrahim got a call from Khalid and he told him that they are leaving and to meet them at Becky's house.
Ibrahim left the office and went towards Becky's house when he reached he saw Saad and Khalid waiting for him.
They went inside together and when Niel saw them he got shocked
"Where were you, why couldn't i reach you" Niel asked them as soon as he saw them and got up to hug them.
"It's a long story. Long story short we went to revert and now we are Muslims" Ibrahim said and Neil was shocked listening it from his mouth.
"Jungkook i can believe any one on the religions but you" he asked shocked
"Its Ibrahim, Muhammed Ibrahim" he said and Neil was too stunned to speak
He looked at Khalid and Saad and they got he was trying to ask their names
"Muhammad Saad" Saad said
"Muhammad Khalid" Khalid replied
"Oh my God I can't digest, it's too much for me" Neil said
"Have a seat let me get something for you guys" Neil said
"Halal" Ibrahim said
"I know bro, you Muslims eat just halal" he said and left . He came back with snacks and juices.
"Where is Becky" Ibrahim asked
"She was out, she will be coming" Niel replied
As they were talking about random things when Becky entered to get shocked to see them.
"Your friends have returned, and now mine friends are missing" she said


When she said that her friends are missing my last hope vanished.
"Don't you know where they are" i asked her
" No, they didn't tell me and their phones are also out of reach, when i meet them I'll kill them by my bear hands" she said
"Love don't get angry it's not good for baby" Neil said and made her sit
"Congratulations" Saad told them
"Thank you" they replied
Khalid and I also congratulated them and i asked her again
"Did you meet them before they went"
" Yes we had organised a party and they came here but didn't tell me anything, i hope they are safe" she said
"Did they told you anything like they want to go somewhere" i asked again
"No we just talked about their wedding" she said and i felt my soul was taken away from me
"They were getting married" Khalid asked as shocked as I
"No, no not that wedding. I mean they told me that they want a simple wedding in Makkah in house of Allah with their parents present and some of their friends" Becky replied
And i felt i got my soul came back to me.
"Why are you asking about them" Becky said confused
"Now i got why you suddenly became Muslim" Neil said
"What do you mean by they became Muslims" Becky asked shocked and Neil told her everything that we had said him
"No way, oh my God I can't believe" Becky said.
We talked for sometime as it was Magrib time so we left to pray.
After praying we went back to our home.


The days passed quickly and more eight months went in blink of eye. Ibrahim was getting his chemos and he became weak each passing day.
Ibrahim was looking at himself in the mirror as he had shaved his head because of hairloss.
"Tulip I'm missing you and it is becoming unbearable each passing day without you please come back to me and tell me you were waiting for me"
He looked at himself in the mirror
"Will you still like me when you will see me bald. Will you still accept me. I'm getting weak each passing day please come to meet me i can't live without you. If you have married someone i won't be able to take it, please come back to me because I'm tired of this hide and seek" he said and cried.
After sometime he went to his office, and started checking the files.

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