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Lola wakes up and sees Quincy sitting beside her bed looking at her. She got up and looked at him. 

"What? "

"Why the fuck did you hit me for? " He said sitting up and putting his arms on his legs. 

"How you expect it was me? "


"I'm sorry you went to the club and got waisted you were about to go get your dick sucked or possibly fuck this bitch" She said getting up out of bed. 

"I wasn't gone fuck nobody," He said seeing her walk out of the room. He gets up following her.  "I wasn't going fuck nobody," He said repeating himself. 

"How would you know if you were so fucking wasted yesterday? You better be lucky Mona and Courtney were there"

"I wasn't about to fuck nobody"

"Like I didn't hear that for the third time already. " She said grabbing her fruit out of the fridge to eat it.

"I barely remember anything last night as it is"

"So how did you know you weren't going to fuck or get your dick sucked? "

"Wasn't going happen, baby?" He said.  "So that's why you stole from me? " He said

"Yeah.  Do you feel it? "she said eating a strawberry smiling

"shit ain't coo bro"

"Yeah, and what you were about to do wasn't coo."

"Look I'm sorry about that.  I went to Melvins stressing about you.  They invited me out and I took too many shots. " He said looking at Lola. 

"Looks like you won't be going out anymore"

"I ain't no more unless we together and I can promise that," He said

Lola walks back in the room to her closet. 

Lola got dressed and headed out the door.  She was still upset with Quincy.

"Where you going,?" He asked

"I'm meeting the girls for lunch.  Bye," Lola said opening the door. 

"Wait," Quincy said getting up off the couch.  He walks towards her.  "Just wanted to apologize about yesterday"

"It's Fine."

"Baby.  I know when shit ain't cool with you.  Im glad your girls were there to stop it. "

"Yeah,  you should thank them. " Lola said walking to her car.

"I love you.  I'll be home later" He yells from the door.

"Do what you want to do Quincy. " Lola said getting in the car starting it,  driving off.  Lola ain't have to meet the girls until 1 and it was only going on 12. She pulled up to fruit stands. 

Getting out it was more hotter than it was yesterday.  Lola walks up to the fruit stands seeing her favorite fruit.  (Strawberries)

"What can I get for you? " a female asked Lola

"She'll have the strawberries" A man's voice can be heard saying. 

Lola looks up and sees Romel.  She smiles

"How you know? " Lola asked

"Seen you damn near slobbering all over them," Romel said smiling.

"Very funny. " Lola said grabbing her fruit bowl.  " Where's Melody? "

"I'm not with her right now"

"So how is it being with her? " Lola said moving to the side of the fruit stands

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