January 1, 2024 | 🎉 The IASWAA Kickstarter Project 🎉

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HELLO. HI. HAPPY 2024. 🎉

So, the tenth anniversary of It All Started with an Apple's publication is coming up in March. Insane how time flies, eh?

I've really wanted to do something to celebrate the landmark year, even though IASWAA has long since been taken off the market. And since Brianne's and Dannon's new story isn't ready to hit stores as of yet, I thought...why not bring the old IASWAA back? 👀

Annnnnd—it's happening

For the entirety of March 2024, IASWAA is coming back to print.

For the entirety of March 2024, IASWAA is coming back to print

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Now, IASWAA is not returning to stores. What it will be is available through Kickstarter.

What is Kickstarter? 

Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform that allows you to help bring creative projects to life. It also allows me to add extra goodies to the mix, on top of a paperback (super pumped about this, ngl).

Why Kickstarter?

I've always loved the idea of doing a Kickstarter. It just sounds like so much fun. And being able to create other fun items for you on top of a novel? Heck yeah, sign me up.

Also, since this is a limited time thing, I plan on having the books printed in bulk rather than going through a print-on-demand company. And having a way to know how much to print before ordering is really important.

All in all, this just sounds like a more fun and conducive way to make this happen!


This lil space is gonna be where I update you on everything going on leading up to the Kickstarter! It's gonna a be a wild ride, but it's one I'm excited for. And I hope you are, too.

Have any questions? Feel free to leave them below!

I'll see you in the next one!



It All Started with an Apple - Kickstarter EditionWhere stories live. Discover now