April 27, 2024 | Updates & Ream

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Hello! Long time no speak.

I'll be real with you. My head has been a mess. Like, I wound up in the ER because I woke up to an anxiety/panic attack that felt too close a heart attack (I'm okay! Results came back clear). As such, the Kickstarter has been postponed again. It is still happening, to be clear, and I'm very excited for it!

I've decided to wait on giving actual dates until it feels safer to do so — that way I don't keep letting you down. That's not fair to any of us.

For now, what I can give you is some info on how the re-typing of IASWAA is going!

Okay, so I mentioned a bit in a past post that I was making edits as I re-type. I wasn't expecting to make so many adjustments, I really intended on just re-typing the original document, but I couldn't resist. And I'm having so much fun.

A few notable changes beyond the actual content:

• I've changed Dannon's last name to O'Shea, because that's what it is in current versions and writing Barone felt incorrect

• The book is now in present tense, because that's what it is in current versions (fanfic has changed me irrevocably LOL)

• Also Dannon apparently has a dog in this version, because I got so used to him having a dog in later versions that Lola found her way into this one? My bad. She's cute tho! You'll love her!

A couple snippets because you have been incredibly patient and understanding (thank you so much, I love you dearly), and also I'm very excited lol

SNIPPET #1 (Chapter 1):

"Seriously? That's what you're obsessing over?"

She doesn't even blink, enraptured by Dannon O'Shea, of all people, like he doesn't take the same classes we do. He slams the door of his sedan and reaches over his head to lock his doors with an automatic key—riveting.

It shouldn't surprise me. Dannon turns everyone around him into a walking cliché with the illusion of an attractive smile and a few nice words. Never mind that something just...isn't right there. Nothing I can specify or prove, but...something. Like he's faking it. Or hiding something. Or both.

I look back at Kyla and groan. She's practically drooling.

This is ridiculous. Haven't people seen a guy with brown hair and brown eyes before? By the looks of the fangirls around me, no they have not.

The sad thing is? Dannon ambles across the crosswalk and onto the grounds without even glancing at the four or so groups of people gawking at him from the lawn.

I hop up from my spot on the stone wall dividing the main path to the school and a small hill, wiping the pebbles off my butt. "Cool, you've seen a guy you've already seen a million times before, and will, notably, see again in your photography class later today. Can we go inside now?"

She sighs dreamily as he slows to a stop by the door, snug with the rest of his crew. I wonder if Kyla remembers she's currently crushing on Oliver, Dannon's best friend, who is literally standing next to Dannon right now while she totally ignores him. Seems rude.

Kyla forgetting who she's crushing on for a second amuses me greatly for some reason lol. Also, Dannon's eyes are brown in this because it's the color they are nowadays, and also all the art I have are with his eyes being brown! It's in the name of consistency, really.

SNIPPET #2 (Chapter 1):

"It's simple, really," I say. "I don't have the urge to go out with anyone. Therefore, I must be happy the way I am."

"That'd be totally fair if it were true."

"It is true."

"What about Peter?"

"He lent me his jacket during a fire drill one time—"

"And you wouldn't shut up about it for three weeks," Kyla says. "You were so sad when he started dating Sarai."

"I wasn't sad."

"You were pouting. Hardcore."

I scoff. There's no point in dignifying that with a response, and it's not at all because I don't have one to give.

This moment happened kinda spur of the moment, but I like it! I noticed that while Kyla is like weirdly intense about getting Brianne a boyfriend, she also respects when Brianne doesn't *actually* like someone—i.e. with Brent, the guy from Brianne's Physics class. Which made me wonder why she's pushing so hard for this even though Brianne claims to be uninterested.

Also, in newer versions, I explored more of Brianne's fear of letting people in and letting her guard down, and I wanted to touch on that.

SNIPPET #3 (Chapter 3):

"How the hell did you get my number?"

Dannon chuckles. "Hello to you, too."

My mouth, which just managed to close, drops again. I press my free hand against my forehead. I'm going to have such a pounding headache later.

"Brianne, language!" Mom hollers from the kitchen.

"How did you get my number?" I ask again.

A sitcom continues to play on TV, but I barely hear anything except the audience's tinny laughter.

"Oh, uh. Kyla stopped me after class and gave it to me."

"Oh my god." I'm going to kill her.

"I don't think I was supposed to tell you," he muses.

"Oh my god." I'm going to kill her.

Dannon looking through yearbooks and calling around just to talk to a girl he'd never spoken to before haunted me. I needed it to go away, LOL — and Kyla would definitely pull something like this, all in the name of the apple's glory pfff hahaha.

Also, please note that Brianne's parents are now "Mom" and "Dad" vs "my mom" and "my dad" bc we're out here trying to shrink that word count in any way possible, ok? Believe it or not, it will save money. Also, it's just how I've gotten in the habit of writing parents' names while in first person.


Since this Kickstarter is taking longer to come together than I initially realized, I wanted to come up with some way to give you something while you wait. I really don't like leaving you hanging.

And I thought. Well. The re-typing is just sitting there while it waits to go to the editor, and I'm really excited about how it's turning out so far (seriously, Brianne and Dannon are cute and adorable and I'm loving the additional/adjusted moments that have made their way into the story)...so why not share it?

So. If you would like to read the manuscript before the kickstarter begins, you can join me on Ream! (If you're wondering what Ream is, it's basically like if Patreon and Wattpad had a baby.) I've left the link to my Ream page in the external link.

Currently, the first five chapters of the Kickstarter edition are available! The rest are going to be released on a schedule.

There's no obligation what-so-ever. Whether you support me on here, on there, or anywhere/nowhere at all, that is totally up to you! I appreciate whatever time you've deemed to give me.

I'll still be updating on here, HOPEFULLY more often now that I'm gaining a bit of stamina again. Updates will just go through Ream first, then will make their way over here!

Thank you so much for your support and understanding. 

See you in the next one!



It All Started with an Apple - Kickstarter EditionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ