9. Tis'a

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When Riyad went down the next day, he found Farhan and Hamza sitting together in the tent, speaking in hushed voices that quickly silenced upon his arrival. It was no unusual. Being the two oldest of the group, Farhan and Hamza often discussed more sensitive matters between one another and away from the ears of the others. He sat with them as they refocused the conversation on the state of the city following the recent increase in unplanned raids by the Occupational Forces.

"Riyad," Farhan called out to him from their places, interrupting his attempts to peel a tangerine for an afternoon snack. "I'd like you to accompany Hamza to the Northern Camp to deliver documents and speak with their team regarding our allied cooperation."

He lifted his gaze while slipping his fingers between the fruit's center, pulling it apart into his palms. "Cooperation?" Riyad asked.

"The rising attacks of the Occupation have become more violent. Our camps will begin pairing up to carry out our activities in bigger, more consistent groupings. The goal is to demonstrate growing resistance so the armed forces may begin pulling back on their advancements," he explained, leaning back in the worn-down seat he refused to replace out.

Riyad nodded in understanding before another thought crossed his mind. "I can't go with Hamza," he announced. "Not today."

At that, both men raised their eyebrows. "Why not?" Hamza asked.

"The sheikh has invited the girl and I to his home."

Farhan's lips curled in confusion. "Lesh?"

Riyad shrugged, offering the two of them some fruit that they silently declined as he swallowed the bite in his mouth to speak. "I assume it's because he wants to check on her, make sure she's happy in the marriage with the apartment and living situation. When we got married, he did assume the role of her Wali until we find her actual family. He's doing what any Wali would do."

"But he is not her Wali," Farhan objected.

"But he is the sheikh," Riyad replied. With no other argument, Farhan sat back and sighed, beginning to rake his mind for another replacement to go along with Hamza. "Why don't you ask Kader to go instead? He hardly does anything."

Farhan's response was quick. "No."

"Why not?"

"I need not explain my reasoning to you. Kader will not go and that's final. The only two options remaining then are Amer or myself, but I am unavailable so it will have to be the boy. Kader can cover his duties until he returns this evening," he outwardly announced his thoughts until a final plan was decided upon by him and himself only. "Riyad, go find the two and alert them of the change to-."

His order was interrupted as the tent entrance flew open to let the other two men through just as Farhan announced their names. Amer entered with his head lowered and his eyes caught on the bright screen of his phone as per his usual appearance, his thumb scrolling through the contents of the device. Behind him, Kader's footsteps bounced energetically until he saw Riyad, after which his expression widened in surprise.

"My brother!" He shouted in excitement. "I was worried after you did not return with us yesterday. What happened to your head? Were you hurt?" Kader dropped onto the couch beside him and tapped his fingers lightly against the bandage stuck over the right side of Riyad's forehead.

"I am also curious," Hamza nodded.

Riyad's gaze slid between all the men now watching him. He did not wish to bring up the events of the day before that had left him with an exhaustion that somehow had led him directly into Harakat's arms. Truly, he wasn't sure why she'd been the one his heart had softened toward for the comfort he'd needed as opposed to Kader, who'd been his closest friend of six years, or the others he'd known for much longer than her. But, at the moment, it had only made sense for him to go to Harakat over everybody. As unusual as it felt now, she'd given him peace then.

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