Records 1 - 10

69 2 6

Third person POV

Dr Blake had finished testing the second group of students as well and decided to make records of all of them together:




Power: Levitation - The ability to cause objects to float with just the movement of his arms.

Danger scale: 3/10




Power: Phasing - The ability to pass through solid objects.

Danger scale: 1/10



Barf Bag

Power: Psychic Puppetry:Control over the minds and movements of others, akin to puppetry, without physically touching the target.

Danger scale: 9/10




Power: Quantum Leaping - The individual possesses the extraordinary ability to execute quantum-enhanced jumps, propelling themselves to incredible heights.

Danger scale: 5/10




Power: Melodic Reality Manipulation - The individual possesses the extraordinary power to control things with her voice. For example, singing low may cause something to float, and singing high may cause something to shatter.

Danger scale: 8/10



Black Hole

Power: Matter Absorption - His power allows the individual to absorb and assimilate physical matter.

Danger scale: 10/10




Power: Fractal Reconstruction - This power allows the individual to be able to break himself into smaller parts that all have the same abilities as the original person.

Danger scale: 2/10




Power: Blastsphere Mastery - With Blastsphere Mastery, the individual possess the ability to generate and manipulate specialized energy orbs known as blastspheres. These orbs, when thrown or directed at a target, create controlled explosions upon contact.

Danger scale: 9/10




Power: Navigator's Insight - With Navigator's Insight, the individual possess an innate ability to perceive and understand complex systems, environments, or situations.

Danger scale: 1/10




Power: Vitrikinesis - The ability to create, shape, mould and control glass at will.

Danger scale: 8/10


Cosmic Catalysts: A BFB FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now