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It was already near evening when the carriage stopped right in front of the household's door. With the chauffeur opening the carriage door, Rachelle stepped out of the carriage, wearing the dress that she wore earlier just right after they left.

"Well, it was a fun adventure. Don't you think so, Olivia?" Rachelle asked as she turned around to have her maid who followed her from behind, couldn't even paint her face as she looked terrible and in discomfort.

Rachelle chuckled, she didn't like their little adventure, seemed like it.

"Mistress... I don't want to go back to that scary place-Your Highness..." Olivia mumbled as she bowed her head, seeing the Crown Prince making his way to Felicia with a grinning face, sulky and perplexed.

As the mention of the Crown Prince, Rachelle immediately frowned and turned around, only to meet the Crown Prince's eyes, looking directly into hers. The frown on his face was replaced by a cold expression flashing in his eyes, seemingly feeling like he was uncomfortable with her.

"Your Highness." She greeted, did the proper greeting for him and bowed her head. She hates to bow her head to this fool, but what can she do when she's just a princess from a Duke's house?

"Felicia..." He uttered, making Rachelle's eyebrows twitch as she looked up to find him staring at her once more. It's making her feel very weird as she just caught him staring at her for so long.

"Yes?" She asked, trying to sound polite despite the weirdness that she felt. She straightened her back while waiting for him to berate her once more, as always like how he used to do towards her.

"I'm losing my mind here. Can you please stop trying to throw your tantrum towards Helena? It's pissing me off that you're always picking on her despite her not doing anything to you." He said and sighed, looking so defeated.

Rachelle raised her eyebrows, in disbelief with the words that left his mouth. So that brat wrote a letter to the Crown Prince, to come here for her to talk shit about her? To nitpick her and accuse her once again?

Can she stop doing this already? She's tired of playing charades with her already.

"What do you mean, Your Highness? Could it be that I am being accused once more of things that I didn't do?" She asked, her eyebrows knitted, eyes squinting in annoyance as she folded her arms to show she didn't like what that brat did once more.

"No, no... It's not like that, Felicia. It's just that, why can't you just be friendly with her and be cordial? She's trying her best to become your sister but here you are acting like a grumpy old woman. You need to stop acting like a child, Felicia." He retorted, arguing.

Rachelle felt very offended. She's acting like a child? Since when?

She couldn't help but let out a chuckle and then burst into laughter. This man, he's having an affair with his mistress acting like a damn child. And she got blamed for it? He really is something else!

"Since when was I acting like a child, your Highness?" She asked, wanting to hit the Crown Prince if she could. It would be a serious offence if she were to hit the Crown Prince and might end up in prison for hurting a royal member.

Silence fell in as Constantine couldn't answer her question. Was she even acting like a child? During his visits, she wasn't acting like one. She was more elegant, more mature, and more confident than anyone else.

She eases everything-a strong woman who doesn't need anyone to back her up. She was able to build her solid foundation through her extraordinary behaviour and personality.

Seeing that he wasn't able to look for words to answer her, she let out a sigh. This is beyond tomfoolery. He couldn't even defend his claim.

"What you said was very offending." She decided to cut off the silence between them, looking at him coldly, staring at him with her dead eyes. "I'm much more offended with what you said rather than being upset that you visited someone else in your fiancé's house."

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