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(6 months later)

Loki just couldn't take it anymore and called for Fenrir, Jormungandr and Hela.

"What is it Papa? Are you alright?" Fenrir asked as the three walked into the room.

"No I am not, babies. I can't take this anymore, it's been six months and a year since my babies were taken. So I'm going to the British Wizards to see if they will help search." Loki explains.

Nodding to his brother and sister Jormungandr turned to his father.

"We'll come with you"

"So will I, I want my children back too darling." Eddie spoke as he entered.

An hour later and all the Wizengamot members filled the chamber.

"Why have we been called here?" Lord Nott asked no one in particular.

The doors slammed open and in walked female Loki, Eddie, Slepnir, Fenrir, Hela and Sif.

"You are here because I called for you." Loki responded

"Loki?" Lucius and Severus whispered.

"Indeed, however you may know me best as Rowena Ravenclaw. How do you know who we are?"

The room began to fade golden again.

"This is how my lady, we do not know why this happens just that it does." Lucius told her.

"Thank you, lord?" Eddie spoke for the first time.

"Lucius Malfoy."

"Any relation to Brutus Malfoy? The one who spread propaganda against non-magicals?" Hela asked with a raised brow.

"Unfortunately" Lucius replied.

"Then you'll be pleased to know he's in my realm!" Hela smirked.

At Lucius' confused look she continued.

" I am Hela, Goddess of death. My kingdom lies downward and northward. It is called Niflheim, or the World of Darkness, and is divided into several sections, one of which was Náströnd, the shore of Corpses There is a castle facing north; it is filled with the venom of serpents, in which murderers, adulterers, and perjurers suffer torment, while the dragon Nidhogg sucks the blood from their bodies." She explained.

Lucius thought about what she said before beaming a brilliant smile.

The golden glow was much stronger now, and suddenly they were in a large chamber the only two things in the room was a counter with numerous weapons on and a Blue Woman head hanging down, hair limp, she was also naked and chained to the floor and ceiling. They could see the fresh blood dripping down her naked back. However they could also feel the strong powerful currents of magic coming off her, going in every direction.

"My baby Sakura!!" Loki cried out sobbing.

Eddie held his mate, while his children looked murderous.

Suddenly Sakura's head snapped up, and the currents of magic stopped.

"Found you!"

Letting out a strange sound, a person made entirely of shadows approached her.

It also made the strange sound.

"Call my friends to me, you have e an hour to get them here."

The shadow person nodded and faded away.

"Hela, please go in front of Sakura and find out what colour her eyes are!" Eddie ground out.

Hela made her way in front of her little sister and cried out in shock.

"T..t...thee..y arrre blacc..k with Golll...den veee..ins." She stuttered out.

"Damn it!! Eddie/Venom roared voices overlapping.

"What is happening?" Severus cautiously asked.

"My little sister, she is the Goddess of Music, Truth and Beauty, however because of who she is she has three sides and four forms and all four can be male or female as she choses. the Goddess, the Queen of Shadows, and the worst Darkness and destruction. Now Darkness and Destruction doesn't get released often and it is down right terrifying when it does black eyes signify Darkness and destruction. You are currently seeing her second form that she gets from ma, her third form she gets from dad, the fourth is her animal form." Fenrir told them.

"Thank you."

Ther was a metallic clicking noise as the door was being unlocked.

Eddie turned to the Wizengamot members and became Venom

"Judge my daughter and I will eat you!"

Before promptly becoming Eddie again who was glaring.

The door opened and a male walked in, the door closed behind him.

He slapped Sakura around the face, and she spit on him.

He went to hit her again but...


Her face and hair disappeared covered by some form of goo like Eddie and the man promptly lost his head. All the room could hear was crunching sounds.

The 'goo' disappeared and Sakura snapped her own wrists, then her ankles. Allowing them to heal as she sat on the floor still naked.

Sakura stood when her symbiote had finished healing her.

Sakura turned smiling with too sharp teeth that looked like they didn't fit in her mouth and began to sing. (Song above)

As she finished singing she ripped the metal door from its hinges.

The golden glow took them to a throne room where Three Vampires sat on thrones. That saw the shadow person form in the centre of the room and Scream implanting co-ordinates into their heads and telling them they had 50 minutes to be there.

"Isn't that the Volturi?" Lord Nott asked.

"They are great friends with Sakura." Jormungandr replied.

The room faded away

Another more elaborate throne room appeared, again the Shadow person screamed and past on the co-ordinates to five in the room who instantlygot up fromtheir thrones.

Before anyone could ask Loki pointed to each one of them naming them.

"Hera, Hecate, Demeter, Persephone and Hades"

The room faded to a forest and they all recognised Fenrir Greyback and his pack.

The message was passed, the wolves prepared to go immediately.

The woods faded and they stood in Gringotts, again the shadow person screamed. The goblins grinned and prepared.

As Gringotts fades they were back with Sakura who had just exited her prison still naked with blood all over her. She walked toward the open field in front of her where an army of Vampires, werewolves, Gods and goblins was waiting.

Getting closer to her army she finally conjured some clothes.

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The golden glow faded and they found themselves back in the Wizengamot chambers. Before they could catch their breath a shadow person appeared and Screamed anyone with a neutral or dark core recieved co-ordinates and a message of 4 minutes to get there.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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