Chapter 16

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When we get to Dante's office he sits down behind his desk, with me sitting on his lap. "I have some work to do so you are gonna stay right here till I'm done" he tells me and I nod.

2 hours later (Athena has fallen asleep while sitting on Dante's lap)

Suddenly someone barges in Dante's office waking me up. "Antonio what do you need" Dante asks looking up at him. "Eris is here" Antonio says and Dante's face goes blank.

"Bring him in" Dante says, holding me tighter. Eris walks in stares at me. "Athena get off him" Eris says, but I don't move. "Athena I said get the fuck off him!" He yells, walking up to us. He goes to grab me but Dante speaks up.

"Put your hands on her and I won't hesitate to kill you" Dante says making Eris smirk. "Athena would never let you kill me" he says, very confident. "Actually I would let him kill you" I say closing my eyes.

"Athena, why don't you go change into pyjamas while I talk to Eris" Dante says and I nod, walking out of Dante's office. I go to my room and change into pyjamas quickly.

 I go to my room and change into pyjamas quickly

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(Athena's pyjamas)

I go back to Dante's office and walk behind his desk. Dante and Eris both stare at me, making me really uncomfortable. I sit on Dante's lap, facing him. "Why are you staring at me?" I ask Dante's

"I'll tell you later" he groans. I nod and lay my head on his shoulder. "Eris I swear to god I will take your eyes out if you don't stop staring at her" Dante says, raising his voice. "Dante I know she's not actually your girlfriend. You never kissed at the ball and no guy calls his girlfriend a bitch" Eris says smirking.

"So I was never your girlfriend then?" I ask Eris, turning around on Dante's lap so I can see Eris. "What do you mean" Eris asks confused. "You always called me a bitch. You also called me a slut, a whore, useless, and told me I'm replaceable. So if no guy calls his girlfriend a bitch then I was never your girlfriend which means you have no reason to be here" I say smiling.

"He did what?!" Dante yells looking at Eris. "I didn't do any of that! She has no proof" he says, scared. "Je n'ai peut-être pas de preuve que tu m'insultes, mais j'ai la preuve que tu me maltraites" I say in French so Dante doesn't know what I said.
(Translation: I might not have proof of you calling me names but I have proof of you abusing me)

"Non, tu n'es pas une putain de pute menteuse!" Eris says, obviously angry with me for bringing it up. "tu veux voir?! Je peux vous montrer" I say standing up. I go to my room, grab makeup wipes, and walk back into Dante's office.
(First translation: No you don't your a lying whore)
(Second translation: You want to see?! I can show you)

Dante looks at me confused while Eris looks scared. I take one makeup wipe out of the container and put the container on Dante's desk. I rub the makeup wipe on my arms, stomach and legs. "Dante do you mind helping me? I can't reach my back" I say and he nods.

He takes the wipe from me and rubs it on my back. When he's done I take the wipe and throw it out. "Now what are you gonna do Eris?! You can't deny shit now!" I raise my voice at him. Dante looks at all the scars on my body.

He looks mad, not at me but at Eris. "You fucking abused her?!" He yells, standing up and looking at the scars. "Antonio! Aphrodite! Get in here now!" He yells still looking at me. I stand in Front of him, feeling exposed.

Antonio and Aphrodite run into the office. They both freeze when they see me. "Antonio grab him and hold him so he can't run" Dante says and Antonio does it.

"Aww the little bitch is mad that I hurt his stupid whore. Admit that you would do the same fucking thing! We all know she has a bad attitude and needs to be taught how to fucking act!" Eris yells trying to get out of Antonio's hold.

"I would never fucking hurt her! She may have an attitude but that's what I fucking love about her! She's not scared to stand up for herself!" Dante yells turning to look at Eris.

"Come on Dante we all know your lying. Your the leader of the Italian mafia, you can have anyone you fucking want. Why would you want a useless bitch that doesn't listen" Eris says smiling at me. Dante starts to walk up to Eris but I grab him and push him behind me.

"Do not touch him Dante!" I yell and look at Aphrodite. "Donne-moi mon arme" I say. She nods and hands me my gun. "Ne le fais pas! S'il vous plaît, je suis désolé de vous avoir blessé! Ne me tue pas!" Eris starts crying, making me laugh.
(First Translation: Give me my gun)
(Second translation: Don't do it! Please I'm sorry for hurting you! Don't kill me!)

"Pourquoi ne devrais-je pas te tuer?! Tu as failli me tuer plusieurs fois! Maintenant tu viens ici et tu essaies de gâcher tout ce que j'ai!" I yell at Eris. "Je n'ai jamais rien fait pour mériter ce que tu m'as fait subir! Je t'aimais et tout ce que tu as fait c'est me blesser!" I yell, starting to cry.
(First Translation: Why shouldn't I kill you?! You almost killed me multiple times! Now you come here and try to ruin everything I have!)
(Second translation: I never did anything to deserve what you put me through! I loved you and all you did was hurt me!)

Dante looks at Aphrodite confused. "Lei gli sta urlando contro per averla fatta passare così tanta merda mentre lui la implora di non ucciderlo" Aphrodite explain in Italian so Antonio and Dante can understand.
(Translation: She is yelling at him for putting her through so much shit while he begs her not to kill him)

"Je suis désolé! Je promets de te laisser tranquille pour le reste de ta vie! Je jure que je ne te dérangerai plus jamais! S'il te plaît, laisse-moi vivre!" Eris yells, still crying. I feel arms wrap around my waist and immediately know it's Dante.
(Translation: I'm sorry! I promise to leave you alone for the rest of your life! I swear I won't bother you ever again! Please just let me live!)

"What's wrong Dante?" I ask in a calm voice. "Your scaring me.. I don't like when you yell so much" he mumbles, trying to make sure no one else hears him. "Voyez ce que vous avez fait! Vous avez transformé le chef de la mafia italienne en chatte! Tu fous tout en l'air! C'est de ta faute si tes parents t'ont maltraité et t'ont abandonné et ce sera de ta faute s'il t'abandonnera!" Eris yells at me. His words made me start to cry even more.
(Translation: See what you did! You turned the leader of the Italian mafia into a pussy! You fuck everything up! It's your fault your parents abuse you and abandoned you and it's going to be your fault when he abandons you to!)

"Athena what the fuck did he say" Dante asks but I shake my head not wanting to tell him. "Aphrodite translate what he said" he says, looking at Aphrodite. "Aphrodite please don't" I say.

"I'm sorry Athena. Guarda cosa hai fatto. Hai trasformato il leader della mafia italiana in una figa. Hai rovinato tutto. È colpa tua se i tuoi genitori ti abusano e ti abbandonano e sarà colpa tua se lui ti abbandona" Aphrodite says, telling Dante word for word what Eris said.

"Athena.. I'm going to fucking kill him if he doesn't apologise right now!" Dante yells. "Dante calm the fuck down!" I yell at him making him step back, guilt all over his face. "I'm sorry" he says looking down.

New chapter!!

Omg Dante is so whipped!!!

I love all of you and thank you so much for the support!!

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