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Reia looked at the two students in front of her with wide eyes. Her heart pounded against her chest. Her hands grew clammy against the door knob. A sense of dread filled her stomach as she saw them sitting on the floor staring back at her with wide eyes, but when her eyes fell onto the manga sitting in between their hands, her heart couldn't help but leap into her throat.

"What are you kids doing?! You shouldn't be in here!"

Midoriya sat petrified. His grip on the manga had loosened. It was yanked out of his hands, but he paid no mind to it. Slowly standing up, his hands began to flail in front of him in panic.

"W-winters-sensei! This isn't- I mean we didn't-"

While Midoriya tried to give out some sort of explanation through his blubbering mess, Bakugo growled. He stood up himself, pushed Midoriya out of the way and stomped up to Reia with volume 36 gripped in his hand. He threw it at her. She involuntarily flinched back at the impact.

"Why?!" he growled, puffing out his chest a little as he moved closer to her face, "is it because you're afraid that we'll find out what you're hiding? Newsflash, that crap won't work! We know that you're hiding information from us!"

Reia's head leaned back a little at the close proximity. Bakugo continued.

"So who are you really? You say all this crap about us being in a different universe, but why should we believe you?"

Reia stared back into Bakugo's crimson red with wide eyes. Her gaze flickered between him and Midoriya for a second. Then, she sighed. She knew that the boy didn't like her. It was already evident with the times he's either glared or completely ignored her a whole day. While she was frustrated that the two boys had entered her room while she was supposed to be away, she could understand why Bakugo was still mistrustful of her, especially with his past and personality combined.

Holding her hands up in a sign of surrender, she stared at Bakugo's eyes as she spoke cautiously.

"Bakugo, calm down. Let's talk."

The sentence only seemed to agitate the boy more. He roughly grabbed her shirt, slamming her up against the wall, causing some of the wall directions to shake slightly. Reia held in a wince.

"Calm down my ass. Who the hell are you really? Why the hell do you have figurines of the League of Villains in here? Are you a villain? Do you work for them? Say something damnit!"

He again slammed her against the wall. Midoriya stood conflicted as he watched the altercation happen. Just as he was about to say something, a voice called out from downstairs.

"Winters-sensei, is everything alright?" Iida had called out.

Midoriya looked at the ajar door, then to his teacher and classmate. Bakugo and Reia stood stock still as Reia continued to stare into Bakugo's glaring ones. They watched each other like hawks to their prey, wondering what the other would do next. Reia turned, calling out to the concerned student on the first floor.

"Sorry, I dropped some stuff in my room! I'm fine!"

She immediately turned back to the ash-blonde in front of her with a grim expression. This...was definitely a problem. She knew Bakugo wouldn't like her from the start, but if this kept going, it could jeopardize her relationship with the others. Scratch that. It'll be a full blown panic, and if they learned what Bakugo apparently already knew, every single day the students would be riddled with fear and anxiety that they wouldn't even be able to concentrate.

Reia didn't want that for them. If they already have to deal with it by the time that they get back to their universe, then she can at least grant them a little solace and have them not worry about it while they're in her universe. She has to calm him down. She has to.

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