Chapter 2 - Meet the Boys

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I couldn't believe what was happening. I was quite literally standing in front of three gorgeous men who all had their eyes on me.

"I'm Gwendolyn," I say, raising my voice a bit more so I know that they can actually hear me.

"Hi, Gwendolyn," Caspian says, and his voice is smooth like velvet. "I'm Caspian. It's lovely to meet you."

"I'm Roman, sweetheart," the one on the left rumbles.

"And I'm Atlas," the third says. His voice was quieter than theirs, and I immediately wanted to learn everything about him.

"I was just going to get some dinner for myself," I mumble, and I notice that Caspian had yet to remove his hands from my arms, but I didn't mind. I honestly thought it was kind of nice. I had been touch-starved my whole life, so his hands being on me at all made a warmth fill my body.

"Oh, well, it just so happens that we were about to do the exact same thing," Caspian says, and he glances back at his friends before looking back at me. "Would you like to join us?"

"Um, sure," I reply, a blush making its way up to my cheeks.

"Wonderful," Caspian purrs, and his hands leave my arms, but one stays, clinging to my hand.


As we enter the kitchen, and dozens of students fill my view, I grip his hand tighter and wrap my left hand around his bicep, the amount of people looking at me overwhelming my senses.

I press my forehead into his shoulder and close my eyes, and I feel him stop moving.

"Are you okay, princess?" I look up into Caspian's gray eyes, and go onto my tip-toes.

"I'm a little scared," I mutter into his ear.

He turns towards me and cups my face in his hands. "What are you scared of, Gwennie?"

"All these people," I say. "They're all looking at me and judging me."

"How do you know?"

I freeze. How do I know? I look down at my toes and ponder his question before I felt his hand lift my chin up.

"How about you go sit down at a table, and we'll get some food for us and for you."

Panic filled me. Would I have to find and sit at a table alone while I waited for them?

"Can one of you stay with me?" I ask, hoping they'll say yes.

"Of course, princess." Caspian nods to Atlas, who was standing beside him, and he walks over to me, his hand coming up to grip my shoulder. "Atlas is going to stay with you, and Roman and I are gonna go find some food. How does that sound?"

"Perfect," I say, a smile adorning my face.

I look up into Atlas's hazel eyes, and I feel his hand on my shoulder move down to my waist.

Without saying a word, he leads us over to a booth by a window, and when I sit down, he slides in after me.

"Thank you, Atlas," I say quietly.

"What for, baby girl?" His deep voice rumbled out.

"For staying with me," I respond. "Crowded rooms terrify me a bit."

"You want to know a secret?"

I nod and straighten my back, eager to know what his secret is.

He leans his head down close to my ear. "Crowded rooms terrify me a bit, too."

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