Tentacles and Torture - Chapter 2

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Rowan's head was spinning by the time the pod started to touch his most sensitive parts. She had washed her tentacles in the water nearby and somehow had made them slimy and slick, so they ran over his skin like he was covered in oil.

To make matters worse for him, she could somehow manipulate the shape of her tentacles down to the most minute textures of their surface. Of course she had full prehensile control over each individual tentacle, but she was able to morph the tentacles in a variety of ways. She used this ability to torment him as much as possible, using varying textures in different areas of his body and alternating them so he wouldn't get too used to anything.

Some tentacles were studded, some ribbed, some had smooth spikes that tickled his skin, some could fold in on their self and feel like biting... He felt crazy from all the many ways she touched him. He knew that this was just the tip of the iceberg and she had many more tricks that she had yet to reveal to him. He tried his best to think, but he barely could as she put everything she had into his torment.

She nibbled his ears, neck, and chest with the biting tentacles. In the same places, suction tentacles worked away at his skin, leaving countless red spots and hickeys. He was being massaged all over his legs and arms both deeply and intensely by some of the tentacles but also gently and shallow from others in ways that would normally feel good but felt agonizingly arousing as his mind was completely enhanced by her aphrodisiac.

Her tentacles gently caressed the bottoms of his feet and his armpits. At the same time, clusters of small tentacles attacked his sides, tummy, and back. The sensitivity he felt was maddening, but he was completely unable to pull away from her. He could only laugh as she tickled him, each second feeling like an eternity. He thrashed and squirmed against his bonds, but all that did was make him more exhausted.

"P-PLEASE! It's so much!!" He cried. "I can't t-t-take it anymore! I-"

A tentacle coiled around his neck tightly, quickly shutting him up."

"Oh dear... If you're already this overwhelmed, then I'm afraid you're in for a long day." She licked her lips, imagining how good his energy would taste after several hours of torture. "How lovely."

As he laid limp in his bindings, suspended above the ground, he was at the complete mercy of his captor. She laughed sadistically as she stimulated his feet, his legs, his arms, his hands, his ears, his back, stomach, sides, thighs.... Everywhere she could touch. She was relentless. The only thing she never touched was Rowan's cock, the one place he was desperate to be touched.

"Please please just touch me!" Rowan cried. "please I'm begging you! Just give me that at least!"

"Oh no no no, boy. That would be too easy. Drawing out the process would make your energies taste much better. I want to savor this moment for as long as possible."

Moans and whimpers escaped his body as she bombarded him with her tentacles. At first he resisted- he had struggled to escape the bonds even as he was nearly immobile, but no amount of strength he could muster was enough to overpower her.

All he could think to do was cast a spell, but without being able to gesture or create hand signs of any kind, there was no use. He was stuck, but that wasn't what made him give up- defeat overpowered his mind not long after she had filled him with that hot, sticky liquid, that liquid that set his body on fire and caused him to ache for more and more pleasure even when he knew it would become unbearable. In under a minute, it had made him into a helpless mess with even the most minute touches feeling like intense stimulation.

He was desperate for more touches from her wonderfully controlled tentacles, but in the back of his mind he was worried about two things: that he would be hopelessly overwhelmed by how good it felt, and that he wouldn't want it to ever stop.

𝑻𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 (Monster Dom X Human Sub)Where stories live. Discover now