Shot 7

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Came with another part, don't forget to tap star button for unlocking next part ❤️

Recap : Sanskar's dark side.

Swara is thinking about her unrevealed past, she get a idea, she remembered her passport which had her husband's name.

She quickly go out to guest room which was their room someday ago, but Sanskar burnt and made it a guest room. She try to search the passport everywhere. He can't burn it, she hope in her heart.

After a half hour, she sits on couch being frustrated as there is no clue he left, he cleared it so neatly. She feels so angry on him for this.

"Remove as much as you want but I will reach to my past"
She determined herself.


Sanskar is serving Swara food, She see him keenly and purposely spill sabji on his shirt.

"I am so sorry Sanskar, my hand slipped"
She said looking at him with sad face.

"It's okay" he said calmly and take off his jacket and put his phone on table and go in room to change it.

She quickly grabbed his phone and swipe up but gets shocked seeing password on it. She remembered earlier he didn't put it but now! She sigh frustratedly.

"I had only one way, and that also" she about to put phone back but then remembered something, his obsession for her.

She type SWARA as password but it's shows error.

"How it can be possible, as far I know his life has only ME which is important to him, then who can be his password" she thinks and a jealousy run in her.

She suddenly get a flash.

"What's your password, why it's not opening with SWARA?, Is you have put any other girl's name" she asked narrows eyes.

He just chuckles lighly at her cute jealousy.

"Answer" she grabbed his throat.

"Hmm, meri bili mujhe meou" he raising his eyebrow.

"Yes, because I am your QUEEN" she said deadly in his eyes.

"I loved it" He bite her nose.

"Don't try to provoke me, I will........."

"Will, what?"

He twirl her and twist her hand behind her encircled his arms around her shoulder taking her in grip. She struggle but he gripped her tight so she don't even able to move a inch.

"Whom you made your password" she wiggle angrily.

" of course you" He said looking at her.

"No its showing error with Swara name, you are lying" she said twisting her nose.

"What I call you most?" He said kissing her neck.

"Umm, Sweetheart" He nodded no.

"Umm, Jaan" He nodded no again.

"QUEEN" He bite her earlobe revealing his password to him.

She smile listening it and hugs him.

She come back from her flashback and see phone in her hand. She type  QUEEN and its opened and her and Sanskar's happy picture comes on screen, her wearing his hoodie and him standing behind her looking at her cute antics.
She trace it once and can feel his love.

She quickly search his gallery and find only her and their pictures in it.
And mostly her and also their some private pictures of their intimacy, which flush her cheek.

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