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Chapter 268: His Highness' Plan

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

It was said that Eunuch Sun had hesitated to look at his own master.

"Go and ask." Baili Jia Jue stood up, his eyebrows slightly raised, his expression restrained from desire. Although he wore the robes of the court, unlike the other Princes, he was not as rule-abiding. On the contrary, his collar was very casually opened up as he stood tall by the sandalwood table. He seemed somewhat condescending as he held his palm down and continued to speak casually, exuberating a faint charm and at the same time his eyes were extremely contemptuous: "See which household has too much money, I can bring people to go and take it."

What he meant was, whoever dares to want the dragon bed, he would take him home!

Eunuch Sun was stunned. He wondered who would still dare want it! Unless they were stupid!

A saying had spread around the palace, cherish life, start by staying away from the dragon bed!

Several buyers who were interested in buying Helian Wei Wei's things had backed out. Some had even forfeited their deposit, they only begged His Highness for mercy!

Helian Wei Wei grabbed the collar of the last buyer and smiled shallowly: "Their perseverance is not strong enough. Minister Zhu, you are more acquainted with the goods. I will give you the dragon bed free of charge. How about it?"

"How, how?" The Minister seemed startled, repeating Helian Wei Wei's words. His face had gone pale!

Helian Wei Wei continued to lie: "Minister Zhu, you can relax. I don't want your money, I am giving it to you for free."

Even so, he cannot accept it!

This was not a dragon bed!

It's a ploy to seek his death!

"Princess, old minister has elderly and young to look after, this.... this dragon bed, it is best you keep it for yourself." As the minister spoke, he was looking at the figure in the study and hurriedly said: "Goodnight Your Highness." He ran off as soon as he had finished speaking. It was hard to imagine that he was old with the speed he took off with!

Eunuch Sun looked on at this scene and was quietly silent.

Helen Wei Wei clenched her teeth tightly as she looked at the golden dragon bed that could not be sold. She wanted to rip it apart!

However, just as she was about to turn around, she was held back from behind with both her hands gripped tightly. Her body was heavily pressed against the soft tiger skin. The breath exhaled by the man slowly lingered on her soft skin. The hot touch that came from behind the neck sparked some familiar numbness...

Helian Wei Wei's body became stiff. Her first instinct was to kick away the person from the side.

But the man seemed to have anticipated this, and with a thin chain he locked her ankles is to the bed.

"Baili Jia Jue!" Helian Wei Wei's eyes narrowed. Because of the position she was in, she could only twist her neck sideways to warn off the man.

However, this did not have phase His Highness. He slid his hand underneath her clothes and the cold temperature made Helian Wei Wei shudder: "Damn!"

"Hmmm." Baili Jia Jue raised his eyebrows. His fingers touched her very carefully, as if he was stroking the finest porcelain, sliding over an inch...

Helian Wei Wei's eyes widened and her back arched up. She reached out and held on to Baili Jia Jue's hand firmly, strong and full of energy: "Your Highness, do you still want your hand?"

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