Johnny x Male y/n: gym crush 😍😍

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Johnny p.o.v

Today was the day that me and the gang would go to the gym, I actually didn't want to go; but pony convinced me that it would be fun. I sighed grabbing my gym bag, and left with the gang. We finally go to the gym downtown; but it totally looks different from last time I been here. 4 years ago. While I looked around the gym seeing the new design, darry sighed us in. To be host I was a lil nervous, and shy.

After signing in the gym we went our separate ways; but we changed out clothes to workout clothes. Two-bit, dally, and darry lifting weights. And pony, Steve, and soda was bench pressing. I was too shy to change clothes, but I promised pony I give this a try. I went into the changing room and changed to my gym clothes. I felt so...different. but not the good way, after changing my clothes I came out the dressing room. I roamed around trying to find something I could do.

And thats when I saw him, he was tall, handsome, buff, and his hair cascading down his broed shoulders. I blushed as my eyes traveled down his body. His chest looked rock hard, his abs were sharp, and the sweat on his body made him shine like a diamond. I watched as he punched the punching bag over and over again; then he stopped taking a breath. I was a lil disappointed to see him stop, this handsome was like no other. I tried so hard no to stare, but he was making it so hard.

This strange man turned to me. I immediately panicked; then turn away. Hopefully I didn't make it look obvious, my face was still heated up with blush. And when I turned to look at him again- he was standing in front of me. Damn he was tall; his buff figure was towering over me. I tried not blush. But his eyes were piercing; and dominant. And if yall think his looks was something, yall should hear his voice.

"Hello~" (y/n)

I was surprised at how his deep his voice was. He sounded like Mufasa and Barry White together.

(Barry white was a singer back then)

I blushed a darker red hearing his voice piercing into my soul. But he was so handsome, he practically had to bend down to meet my eye level.

"H-hello sir"

"What's ur name?~" (y/n)


"Well Johnny, would u like to try the punching bag?~" (y/n)

"Yes sir."

He chuckled and told me don't call him sir, but from the sound his voice you'd be confused.

"Please don't call me (sir)~ I'm not as old as u think~" (y/n)

"O- okay but..what's ur name?"


"That's a nice name"

"And ur adorable~" (y/n)

I blushed as he ruffled my hair, he gently took my hand and lead me to the punching bag; as he guided me..I could see the muscles in his back. I wanted to touch them. Y/n brought me to the punching bag, and told me to give it a try.

"Oh no- I can't.."

"U never know till u try~" (y/n)

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