Chapter 6

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I'm almost done with my breakfast – Captain Crunch cereal with milk – when Maisie walks into the kitchen, passing by the table with a cheeky grin. I know exactly why she's smiling at me like a fool. She wants every dirty detail from my night with Liam; there are a few good details to share, but unfortunately, none of them are dirty. She sits down on the chair next to me, props her elbows on the table and cradles her chin in the palms of her hands.

"How was last night?" she asks. "You got home pretty late. What was it? Two in the morning when I heard you stumble in?"

I take another full bite of my cereal before I find my words, and even then, I don't answer her question. "We'll see if he sends me a text today."

She studies me for a beat before reaching for the cereal box across the table and pouring herself a bowl. "Did he say he would?"

I shrug. "Zero expectations equal zero disappointments."

Maisie rolls her eyes, pours milk into her bowl and takes a bite before asking, "Can you just be a normal girl for once and gush to your best friend about how awesome your night was with a hot and eligible Aussie?"

"There's nothing really to gush about," I say, holding my full spoon before smiling. "He's a nice enough guy, and we had a good day surfing. The concert was a great time too." I pause thoughtfully. "Once we finally had some alone time, things went well. We will see where it goes, if anywhere."

Every time there is potential for a new guy in my life, Maisie drills me with a hundred and one questions, desperate for me to say I am smitten and he's "the one." She's a relationship person who doesn't understand my need to be with myself until I find someone worth spending time with. Maisie is a sucker for romance, and I love that about her; it's just not me.

"Things went well? We will see where it goes?" she laughs. "God, Ella. It sounds like you had a nice dinner with your brother after you told him some bad news. Will you ever give a guy a chance?"

"I said he's a nice guy," I say and take a long sip of my coffee.

"He's also really hot," she leans back in her chair, smiling. "And that accent,'s hard to ignore."

"I do love the accent."

"Did he kiss you?" she asks.

"He did."

She frowns. "I need you to give me more than that."

"He gave me a good-night kiss," I say. "It was short, sweet, and nice."

She appears unsatisfied, eyebrows furrowed as she studies me. "What else did you guys talk about?"

"Life. Dogs. Music. Good places to eat. Normal shit..." I pause and look up from my bowl of cereal. "And oh Ryan and Alodie are a mess."

"I could have told you a double date with Ryan and Alodie was a stupid idea."

Maisie gets up from her chair and walks over to the counter to pour herself a cup of coffee. She looks over at me, grinning as she takes her first sip like she's purposely prodding me. I keep a straight face and look past her through the kitchen window, her comment hanging awkwardly between us.

"I've gone on double dates with you and Jayce before."

"That's different," she says.

"How so?"

"It just is."

"No, it's not," my voice comes out a bit terser than I expected. "Explain yourself."

"You know what I think about your friendship with Ryan," she murmurs. "You two are just avoiding the inevitable, and deep down, you two have feelings for each other."

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