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Everything in her floor looked the same as it was when she was thrown out of her internship, not that she expected it to have changed but she was secretly wishing that some of the employees were transferred to a different department. The journey, that was cut short before, was mostly the bed of roses with an exception of disturbances that they caused to her every now and then. She was wondering about the mentality of the employees to bully powerless interns. She hadn't a say in it and she was thankful as she always had been for being able to begin her journey towards her career once again.

She hugged the files she brought of herself to resubmit and headed towards the HR department to get her id back. She knew her name was taken down from the list of interns chosen for permanent employment. She knew she had no future in Meraki's and had to move on to another company in order to build a career for herself and though she should be fine, she wasn't. She ruined so much for herself in an attempt to appease her mother who, now, wasn't so keen on talking to her.

"Maheen?" A voice from behind startled her and she turned on her feet to see the owner of the voice- the knot in her stomach slowly tying.

She turned to find Maha looking perplexed by the scene she thought she would never see after she was told to remove Maheen's name from the list and there had been a rumor involving the woman standing in front of her- that she tried to make a move on the boss and that he threw her out, considering the way he stalled the submission of the final list and how he looked at her but looking at the woman stand with so much confidence, she understood it wasn't the case- that she was almost on the verge of misunderstanding the woman and how she hated herself for it.

"Hey!" She exclaimed a bit more excitedly, "How are you?" From what Maheen saw in the days of her internship, she could not rely on anyone except Maha and Taimoor given the fact that they were the only ones who were good to her and to the interns who joined with her.

"I'm good, I'm good." Maha said, taking the files from her so that Maheen could be saved from taking tours to the HR department and getting an earful. Maheen was slightly startled by the sudden tug but composed herself a little over a second and watched Maha check the papers and documents. They didn't give her files back and she was told by him that he would forward them to another company.

"Where are the others?" Maheen questioned, looking around at the desks of the interns who mostly lazed around and worked when Zaviyar hit the floor or only during meetings.

Maha looked up from the file with an almost mocking smile, "Look at the time, ma'am. You are almost forty seven minutes late. They are in a meeting with Zaviyar sir and team leaders." She said, retreating and telling her to join the meeting before it ended. There were usually only two sets of meetings that the company held with interns where the latter would be told to work on something instead of assisting someone on something and it was mostly to know the competence of them.

Thankfully, the desk, which was assigned to her, still had her name with no things laying around. She hung her back on the hook beneath the surface of the desk and took out the notebook and a pen from the drawers before rushing to the meeting. To her luck, nobody heeded her and waited for her to greet unlike other times and perhaps they realized she was in a hurry. She smoothed her dress on the front before pushing the door open only to break the chain of discussion and all their heads whipped to their left to see the woman, who left the company, coming back with an apologetic smile and a notebook in her hand. While two of the interns from her university smiled at her, the rest of them looked not so happily at their added competition.

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