chapter five

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My hands have been shaking for ten minutes- since the moment Maya pointed to the pretty brunette girl and said Oh my god, that's Summer Bennett! and my eyes landed on the girl whom I treated like shit just a few hours ago. Of course she has to be Summer-fucking-Bennett. I couldn't stop thinking about her my whole shift, the way she flinched and the hurt in her eyes had been killing me for hours. I'm not a mean person but- she caught me in a bad time, not that it's an excuse but... yeah, I fucked up.
I practiced a lot about what I was going to say to her before I learned who she was. I had a whole speech prepared but of course I had to fucked up my entire future just by treating this girl like shit. I doubt Summer Bennett is a girl who forgives, maybe she is- she seems nice but I'm sure she doesn't forget.

I place my shaky hands inside my pockets, praying that she doesn't notice the anxiety I'm feeling. She already told me she's not going to do this- she has her friend going to professor Queens right this second to let her know she's not doing this and my entire future is now fucked up. Seriously, why her? Why me?!

Summer closes her arms over her chest, raising her brows at me. Her light brown hair falls down her back with soft waves, she looks even prettier in the daylight. The sparkle in her soft brown eyes squeezes my chest.
"So, I guess now you do care who the fuck I am, right?" she presses her lips together and I try hard not to flinch.
I deserved that.

A long sigh escapes my mouth. "I... I wanted to say I'm sorry. I was having a bad day and... you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm sorry."

I lock my eyes with hers, feeling like she's sending me daggers through them. "You're sorry because you need me or you're genuinely sorry?"

I try to repress a smile. "I'm really sorry. I'm not like that- I wanted to say sorry the moment the words came out of my mouth."

Her face softens and the freckles over her cheeks and nose are more visible now. She's shorter than me but she is intimidating. Maya was right- Jesus Christ, I'm in front of Summer Bennett.
Never in my life have I interacted with one of the hockey royalties and here I am- asking for forgiveness to one of them because I treated her like shit. Fuck my life- I'm pretty sure her mom could sue me just because I talked to her the wrong way. What? That's what I heard. People say Luna Bennett is very protective of her family.

"I forgive you," her voice is soft, calm, almost angelic and it brings a smile to my face. "Just because I won't do this and I'm also sorry. I guess we're even."

My heart sinks to my stomach and the burning in my chest is more intense. "No- wait. I... fuck. I know you don't know me and you couldn't care less about me but... I need to do this. I really do. Please?"

She takes a deep breath and sighs, like she was waiting for this. "Look- I know you probably think I signed up for this but I didn't. I only wanted to try something new and the dance classes were that, my friend, Mila, convinced me and and now we're here. I'm really sorry- I don't have enough time in my life to do this."

It feels like someone's stabbing a knife into my heart- her, probably- and she squeezes it with each word. "Summer," I say, taking a deep breath and she never takes her eyes off me. "I know you don't need the money nor the scholarship. I know who you are- God, the entire world knows who you are. I'm asking you, please, put yourself in my shoes- I need this and I can't do it without you."

She closes her eyes for a second and rubs her forehead with her fingers. "I could talk to professor Queens so she can find you-"

"No. She won't let us. It's either you're in or out- We can't change partner, I can't do anything if you don't want to do this... I'm asking you... please. That kind of money could change my life and the scholarship... god, I'm pathetic begging you for this. I know you don't understand." my voice comes out shaky and I hate myself for it. I don't even know this girl in front of me- she doesn't own me anything and I'm begging her to help me win a fucking program? What the fuck is wrong with me?

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