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'I'm sorry he had to see that.' I say.

'Skyler-' he looks at me with concern.

'No, it's because of me, your brother walked out of this house more traumatized than when he entered it. And it's all because of me.' 

He walks towards me and hugs me. I guess it's because he saw the tears start to form in my eyes. He confirms it, 'You know, you cry a lot for a member of the mafia.' his grip on me tightens. I hit him.

'I'm sorry. That shouldn't have happened.' My voice quivers just a little bit. Hopefully unnoticeable.

'Skye, he offered to help.' He grabs me by the shoulders and departs from the hug.


'He offered to help, he says he'll be here if anything big comes up and we need help. He says he needed a break from work anyway.'

I laugh, 'so your siblings are psychopaths like you too?'

'You know, the deal ended long ago.'


'The month, it's over. It was over long ago.'

'Oh shit.'

'You even punched me earlier.'

'Come on, how can you say this in a situation like this? There was a dead body in this room an hour ago.'

He bends over and grabs me by the waist, then he stands up straight and I end up being carried on his shoulder. 

He heads to the bedroom and throws me on the bed, then he pulls down my skirt. 

He doesn't bother to pull down my tights, instead, he just rips them. He puts his fingers in my panties and holds my legs, and sits with his upright knees on the bed, while I lie there. 

He slides three thick fingers inside me and I bite down on my lip to suppress the moan. He spreads my legs wider and leans on my body to suck on the skin of my neck.  

I moan his name and he groans softly. I spread my legs apart, he looks down and smirks.

He keeps kissing me, our tongues entwine and my knees go weaker and weaker. I unzip his pants as he takes off his t-shirt while he keeps plunging his fingers inside me. He is certainly... bigger than I expected. From what I can tell, it's about 7, 8 inches?

'This is my first- time, go slow-please-' He looks down at me, in some shock.

'The next time I'll be rougher with you, but I'll go easy on you for now...' 

He murmurs inside my ear with his voice filled with lust. I try to say something but all that comes out is a small whimper as he takes out his fingers and I feel his length slide into me.

'joshua-.' He hears me moan and smiles. 'Say it louder.' He starts moving.

My eyes start to well up with tears. He chokes me and shouts at me 'Say it louder. Say my name.' I struggle out a soft 'jo-'.

He picks me up and shakes me 'SAY IT LOUDER.'

I shout his name as he grabs my face. 'LOUDER. I want the whole town to hear.'

He turns me over and positions himself behind me.

I scream his name and he looks satisfied. 'Good girl. You want me to go faster?' I nod, my whole body shaking.

He changes positions again and sits on the bed against the headboard and I sit on top of him. He moves faster in the darkness and I scratch his back, my nails digging deep into it. 

My eyes roll back into my head and he throws me around like I'm a goddamn pillow. I breathe hard, to stop the sounds coming up my throat. He grabs my neck, letting all of them out. He groans. 

'So fucking tight-' He moves his head to look up at the ceiling, going faster. I move as close to him as I can, grabbing his shoulders while he moves me.

'Normally I'd fuck you until see stars, but it's your first time so I'm gonna stop now.'

He brings his lips back to mine, kissing me roughly while I grab his biceps. Then he pulls out and comes, right before me.


I lie on the bed, my whole body aching. With a hickey on my neck and his hands printed all over my body. He lies next to me, holding me close to him. One of his hands around my waist, his hand in contact with my skin under his hoodie I stole. The other hand is on my jaw, grabbing it.

'Since the deal is over, I don't need to sleep next to you.' I tell him.

He nods, 'Yeah. You can leave if you want, then.' I move away to get up, but he pulls me back quickly. 

'Didn't think you were actually gonna do it.' He hugs me again and in a way where I couldn't possibly escape, which I didn't plan on. 

With my face to his chest and he hugs me like he would a life-sized teddy bear. I put one leg between his legs and he grabs one of my arms and puts them around his back. 

He kisses me on the forehead and pulls the blanket over just my head where I am suffocated under the covers with just his muscled body. So, I grab it and go to sleep.


I wake up at 10 AM, still wrapped around Joshua. He's still sleeping. So I see my chance to escape, even though I have to leave the fucking amazing body heat, but I need to go wash up and start cooking breakfast, I remember we didn't have dinner so my stomach grumbles. 

I get off the side of the bed to walk to the bathroom but I sit right back down from the unbearable pain in my legs.

I hear laughing coming from the other side. 

'What happened? Your legs hurt? I guess that's okay, considering the fact that I thought I'd rip your or something last night.' I throw a pen kept on the side table at him. He doesn't stop laughing, so I get up and walk to the washroom to prove I can still walk, but he laughs even more, seeing me walk like Quasimodo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. 

So, he gets up and picks me up while I fight for my life. 'Don't be so fiesty, where do you wanna go?' 

I relax in his arms and yawn so he puts me back on the bed. 'You're that tired? Fine, I'll just have cereal for breakfast.' He leaves the room.

'HEY JOSHUA, TAKE ME TO THE BATHROOM.' He re-enters the room and lifts me up and puts me down at the door in front of it. 

After that, I practically just force him to let me piggyback him everywhere and he sits me down on the couch in the evening. 'You still want me to carry you? It's been almost 20 hours since then, wow, was I that good?'

'Don't be so proud of yourself, you were okay.' Though I'd do anything to feel that hurt in my legs again.

'Don't lie to me, Skye. So I shouldn't carry you around then?' I shut up and he laughs. 'Thought so.'

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