Golden Goal

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After a handful of questions, the reporters are ushered out of the family suite. One lone photographer, however, stays behind with the family's approval to document them watching the two Kettler boys play in their first game together.

Eli does his rookie lap and everyone who has gotten to their seats early enough cheers him on. He decided to go bucket-less, which means a definite fine from the NHL for purposefully avoiding safety precautions. In his defense, nearly all of the newbies skate without a helmet for their rookie lap- it's tradition!

Once he completes the lap, the Colorado Boulders and the Philadelphia Fiends flock onto the ice for warmups. Moss watches on as his parents proudly hold their phones at arms length, capturing Shane and Eli as they take practice shots at the net together.

When warmups come to an end, a hype up video appears on the big screen showing various shots of the players and the city of Denver to get the crowd pumped up. The lights are off, but there is a laser show happening which then turns into a starting lineup announcement.

The lights fade back on for the national anthem and the puck drops at center ice a minute later. The Boulders first line center, Landry, wins the draw against the mousey-looking center playing for the Fiends and swiftly gets the puck into the offensive zone.

First period is competitive and fast-paced with frequent, arena-shaking hits. Despite the tremendous effort put forth by both teams, they go into intermission tied 0-0.

During the twenty minute intermission, Moss finds it surprisingly difficult to make small talk with his dad while his mom is whisked away for another Boulders social media initiative.

"How's work going? Is that one client still giving you trouble?" He asks his dad who took out his phone halfway through his first question.

"It's fine. Someone is always giving me trouble," is the grumbled response he receives.

Moss kind of expects the customary rebuttal question asking him about his job with the accounting firm, but it never comes. His dad continues to type to whoever on his phone and doesn't speak again until his mom comes back from her social media escapade.

"They asked me about my time on the US Women's Olympic Hockey Team!" His mother laughs cheerfully.

"It's about time they put the spotlight on the best hockey player in the family," she jokes while taking her seat between her husband and eldest son.

"That's great mom! What story did you tell them about?" Moss asks his mom, grateful to be able to feed into her good mood.

They talk about her time overseas and winning gold for the US until the Boulders and Fiends reappear on the ice for the second period.

Second period starts on a high note with a goal from Shane and a primary assist from Eli during the Boulders' first power play of the night. This causes the building, and the Kettler trio, to jump to their feet and cheer as loud as possible in celebration. The other occupants in the family suite give out high-fives and congratulatory words to one another as the goal horn continues to blare in the background.

The big screen displays the three of them with giant ear to ear smiles on their faces. It then cuts to Shane, followed closely by Eli, who skate past the bench to receive enthusiastic fist bumps of approval from their teammates.

Unfortunately, the buzz in the air from the first goal wears off after the mousey center from the Fiends nets a goal of his own high glove side on the Colorado goalie.

It feels like a game of cat and mouse after that. One of the bottom six forwards score to put the Boulders up a goal, but the other team quickly retaliates making it 2-2.

The third period is not nearly as eventful as the second.

The refs seem to have put their whistles away, so no penalties are being given out to either team. Shane gets a shot on goal which rings off of the crossbar, causing the crowded arena to groan in distress.

With one last attempt by the Fiends, the third period buzzer goes off, confirming that the first regular season game is going into overtime. Moss braces himself for five minutes of overtime hockey, which could possibly turn into a shootout.

He soon finds that the bracing is not necessary as the puck is dropped for the 3-on-3 overtime showdown. Landry, Shane and Martel are chosen to face-off against the hungry Fiends trio.

Everyone is on the edge of their seat as Landry wins the face-off and quickly reclaims possession of the puck from Martel. He then skates forward into the offensive zone and passes the puck behind him back to Martel who shoots and scores through the five-hole of the Philadelphia goalie.

The crowd roars as the Boulders hop off of the bench to pile onto Martel who consequently falls to the ice with the weight of all of his teammates screaming excitedly in his face.

"Ladies and gentleman- with his first goal of the season and first overtime win of the season! Give it up for number eight- Tyyyyyeeeeee MARTEL! Assisted by number fifty eight, Ethan Landry!" The details of the final goal are loudly announced to the arena as the celebrations continue.

A clean-cut man in a suit then appears at the end of the aisle where the Kettler family is standing. "Excuse me- the team is being given fifteen minutes before reporters and loved ones are allowed to visit the locker room."

"Great, thanks so much!" Moss' mother says to the man before standing up to lead the three of them to said locker room.

There are a couple of other friends and family members of the team lingering outside the room waiting for the green light to congratulate their Boulders player on a great first win of the season.


This sentiment is followed by thunderous applause and shouting from the victorious team.

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