47. Promise Me

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I'm backkkk
Just fyi, these last chapters will be very steamy but with also some pretty good fluff- I hope you guys enjoy!
Warning: Explicit Content ;)


I didn't like how little I saw Derek leading up to the cocktail event

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I didn't like how little I saw Derek leading up to the cocktail event. I tried to find time in between the work days but this week was hard considering I had both a new office space to find, and a fucking speech to write.

Herold made nothing easier either, even though the vet assured me he's recovering fine and is just being difficult. Which like, was pretty on par for my cats asshole personality.

Derek was really an anomaly when it came to their relationship, I was still hung up on how fucking good he was with him. The patience he exercised with good ol Herold.

I didn't have time to stop by Derek's place before Friday, or vice versa, so most of our communication was phone calls. I was getting needier with him, I knew that- it's just the whole Herold situation had shook me up, and seeing Derek again.. seeing him earlier than expected, made me want to never leave. Neither him or that ridiculous cat.

Don was a mess to deal with in his own right this week. He wasted no time switching out our name plaques for the parking spaces back in NY, to which I got a call from Carlson literally as he was switching them out, bitching to me about how this must've violated some workplace policy.

I told him that unless he can pinpoint to where it says that in our policy handbook, he and Don would need to duke it out on their own.

He and I both knew that Don had won it fair and square... by leveraging my relationship with Derek. If only Carlson had thought of that sooner, the parking space would've been his months ago.

Luckily because Don was in such a good mood with the closest spot in the underground parking garage, he actually took quite a bit of work off my plate later in the week so I could actually focus and write that speech.

The only reason I was going in the first place was Marty. The two reasons I was now going was for Marty and Derek. I wanted Derek to connect with Gillian about his comic book which meant I was definitely going. That was an opportunity I didn't want him to pass up, unless he truly didn't want it. I knew he wasn't very confident with this story at the start, but after our countless conversations I could tell he was really passionate it.

I wanted him to lean into that more. To stop worrying so much and just take a chance on his talents. Everyone had to start somewhere, and Onyx was literally the best of the best.

By the time Friday rolled around, the fact that I hadn't even gotten one physical face to face conversation in with Derek yet had pissed me right on off. So much so, it was affecting my focus.

It didn't help that I was literally working in the same building as this man. Once lunch time came to pass, I decided that breaking Christians workplace rule just a little bit couldn't be all that bad. Joan mentioned to Brad that Derek was going offsite for a quick bite to eat, and though Christian had a strict 'no one steps foot outside this workplace today until the job is done' policy with Alex, Brad, and I, he didn't say anything about underground parking.

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