CRIME AND PUNISHMENT (Psychological Drama)

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It takes something more than intelligence to act intelligently. (intelligence)

A hundred suspicions dont make a proof. (evidence)

The fear of appearances is the first symptom of impotence. (weakness, self-conscious)

The man who has a conscience suffers whilst acknowledging his sin. That is his punishment-- as well as prison. (sin, punishment)

You see I kept asking myself then: why am I so stupid that if others are stupid—and I know they are—yet I wont be wiser? (wisdom, foolishness)

Dont be overwise; fling yourself straight into life, without deliberation; dont be afraid - the flood will bear you to the bank and set you safe on your feet again. (life)

People with new ideas, people with the faintest capacity for saying something new, are extremely few in number, extraordinarily so, in fact. (intelligence, originality)

There is nothing in the world more difficult than candor, and nothing easier than flattery. (flattery)

In flattery, even if everything is false down to the last note, it is still pleasant, and people will listen not without pleasure; with coarse pleasure, perhaps, but pleasure nevertheless. (flattery)

Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth. (sadness, life)

Power is given only to him who dares to stoop and take it ... one must have the courage to dare. (courage, power)

Man has it all in his hands, and it all slips through his fingers from sheer cowardice. (cowardice)

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