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On my way to Marie's place, it had been an early afternoon. We had a ton of free time today, in which I inadvertently spent sneaking out of camp once more.

Today also happens to be the day where the Scouts return from their expedition, venturing straight to the innermost wall (from what I heard) to attend some confidential business.

Unfortunately for them, they weren't even given time to rest fresh from an expedition. They were demanded to the capital right away, perhaps about a matter tackling their apparent ineffectiveness.

The gates opened, which also happened to be near Marie's place. It was also my typical route in seeing Marie, using only my horse as my means of transportation.

People clad in green cloaks entered the gate.

Some had their hoods up and the rest had let it fall on their back, some weren't even wearing them.

What I noticed right away was the tear in the material, the blood that tainted them, and the carriages filled with what appears to be their casualties.

It was the majority.

I swallowed thickly, biting my bottom lip as I observed the dim looks on their faces.

None of them were smiling or showed a single sign of their progress. They simply held solemn faces, eyes looking as though they had seen hell and back.

Some lacked limbs, some were still covered in blood, and the rest looked entirely exhausted.

Dark eyes, dark bags under them, color drained from their faces, and pale chapped lips that looked as though they were both anemic and severely hydrated.

They looked like moving corpses.

"The Scouts again." One bystander scowled with a scornful look on his face. "Seriously, they're just feeding off our taxes to cattle. Not a single progress ever since, it only proves their entire regiment is useless and a joke!"

I clenched my jaw upon hearing his words. I was half-glad I wasn't wearing my military uniform or else I would have been quickly reported and discovered by my superiors if I ever happen to punch the guy.

A young lady, seemingly in her mid-20's, approached the guy in front who I immediately identified as Keith Shadis.

"Commander, I don't see Milo anywhere. Are there still more coming?" She asked, hopeful.

My heart broke for her, knowing immediately what Shadis' grave look meant.

"It's Milo's wife." Shadis turned towards a Captain before the commanded female went to retrieve a cloth from the carriage, quickly galloping in her horse towards the woman who looked in confusion.

As soon as she received the bag made of cloth, she opened it and immediately screamed with eyes wide with terror. She dropped the bag and there revealed an amputated leg that still looked about a day fresh.

✓ bizarre love triangle ; erwin smithWhere stories live. Discover now