Victoria's Room

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Victoria had a mischievous glint in her eyes as I returned from my euphoric moment. I glanced down, and there it was—the bra still snugly embracing my chest. I sat up quickly, fumbling with the straps, but Victoria had other plans. "Don't. Leave it on," she declared, catching me off guard. Confused, I protested, "W-what? No, this has gone far enough, Victoria." She simply sighed and went to her closet, revealing a video camera with a blinking red light. "Nate, if you don't want everyone to see what just happened, leave the bra on," Victoria commanded.

My eyes widened. "You were recording us?! What the hell, Victoria?" She just smiled and repeated, "Leave. It. On." I surrendered, letting my arms rest on the bed. "Good girl," Victoria praised. "Now, go into the bathroom and freshen up. Borrow my razor and tidy up all the hair from your eyebrows down, Oh! Make sure to use my shampoo and conditioner as well!" she exclaimed

"Why are you doing this Vic?" I asked. Victoria just looked at me and said "Get yourself cleaned up Nat." Disturbed by this new side of Victoria I did as she said and went to the shower, while waiting for the water to warm up I looked at myself in the mirror. The bra contoured my body and gave my body shape I moved around looking at myself in different angles. Wearing a bra was an uncomfortable experience and if she shows anyone that video I'll be humiliated for the rest of my life, I used the mirror to unhook the bra and after some time I was finally able to get it unclasped and I set it softly on the counter before stepping into the shower. I had remembered seeing Victoria shave before and tried to recreate what I saw, borrowing her shaving cream that smelled like roses and began to shave my legs, chest and armpits. I also grabbed her shampoo and conditioner the bottle was pink and promised shiny and full hair, I ran it through my shoulder length hair the unmissable feminine smell penetrated my nostrils. I stepped out of the shower and dried off with her pink towel. 

After drying off, I felt the smoothness of my legs, a peculiar sensation sending a tingle down my spine. "Natalie, get out here," Victoria called. Following her command, I stepped into the hallway, heading towards her room.

Victoria, now in athletic shorts and a crop top, stood amidst a pile of clothes and accessories. "What're you doing? Where is your bra, Natalie?" I looked down, realizing my mistake. Before I could respond, she directed, "Go back to the bathroom and put it on."

I quickly scurried back wondering why I was so intent to follow her instructions..."Was I liking this?" I thought to myself as I strapped it around my self noticing how it seemed much easier to put on than take off, pulling the straps back on top of my shoulders. I walked back out to Victoria's room where she was holding outfits up away from herself before noticing my return "Here put this on." she handed me a green top (the one pictured on the thumbnail). I didn't put up a fight and held up it trying to figure out how it went on, while doing so Victoria spoke up "Good news Natalie, my parents called while you were getting yourself cleaned up and said they decided to stay at my Aunts until Wednesday." "All they said was no boys, which wont be a problem right Natalie?" Victoria picked the camera up from the bed and shook it "Right." I said meekly. Victoria pulled from the bed a short black skirt (one in the thumbnail) and handed it to me. I began slipping it on before Victoria lit up "Oh almost forgot! Take that skirt off" She ran to the shopping bags I helped carry up and pulled from it something small and pink. "Come here Natalie." I began walking over to her still holding the skirt in my hands. Victoria reached around behind my waste and pulled me in, she was holding some kind of pink weirdly shaped contraption. Victoria grabbed my member once again making me yelp in surprise as she began to fix the device over my penis, "What're you doing Victoria?" My question had no response and quickly she clasped down the device on my member it was firm around my penis and balls. I reached down and pulled on what would only make sense to call a cage but it was firmly stuck where it was and was quickly causing me discomfort. Victoria walked back from the bed and grabbed from the pile a black thong which looked very similar to the one she was wearing before she threw it at me and said "Now you can put these on." 

I quickly slid the thong on, It was tightly wedged between my ass and pushed my now caged member down to my body giving me a slightly arousing sensation

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I quickly slid the thong on, It was tightly wedged between my ass and pushed my now caged member down to my body giving me a slightly arousing sensation. "Now pull the skirt up girly." I did as she said and the white striped skirt sat tightly wrapped around my waist. The black skirt clung to my body, Victoria grabbed my shoulders and rotated me towards her mirror I turned my head to look at myself, from the neck down I looked like a teenage girl! A pretty teenage girl at that. Victoria stepped behind me and she wrapped her arms around my waist and pushed herself into me. "You look so pretty Natalie" she whispered into my ear, I blushed while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. Victoria let go of me and walked over to her vanity table and opened a drawer, she pulled from it some jewelry. I continued to stare at myself, frozen, as Victoria brought her hands over the top of me and down to my neck, now laying around it was a black choker.

 I continued to stare at myself, frozen, as Victoria brought her hands over the top of me and down to my neck, now laying around it was a black choker

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Victoria also began to unclip necklaces wrap them around my now dainty neck, I felt like her personal doll. Victoria continued by picking up my wrists and attaching some bracelets as well as pushing rings onto my fingers, the culmination of all these accessories slowly began to make my neck, hands and arms feminine. It was like watching a transformation in real time it seemed as if someone stuck my head on a slutty girl my age's body. "Now let's get some makeup on you then we can take some pictures!" Victoria chimed.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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