Part 17: Questions Unanswered

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Questions unanswered 

This time, Taufus Lanse needed an armed escort to get home. The city was in the middle of a wild, drunken revelry. Officially celebrating the founder of the dynasty, for most people it was just an excuse to get drunk.

Walking through the streets, the total chaos of the party was apparent. Singing, dancing, screaming. Passed out people were lying in the ditches. Here or there, you could even see people fucking. Out in the open, it was a free for all.

"Madness," one of the guards escorting Taufus exclaimed.

Taufus could only concur. He wasn't sure why people felt the need to act that way. It felt utterly strange to him.

"This will continue for days," he remarked.

However, despite the havoc around him, he didn't pay too much attention to it. His mind was preoccupied with other things.

He pondered upon the situation at hand. The heir to the throne had been killed. He didn't know much of the details. How? Was he killed in battle? By one of the peasants?

Was it an accident? Or was someone behind it? What if it was an assassination? But who would want to assassinate him? So many questions, but the answers could now only remain as speculations.

"We have quite a situation now," remarked Dafat Daurus, a high-ranking official in the king's administration. He had joined Taufus on the way home. He lived nearby.

"Yes. This changes things in a major way," said Taufus Lanse. "The successor is gone. The king has no male children by any of the official wives left alive."

"I am afraid there could be a power struggle between the different factions at court now," continued Dafat. "That doesn't bode well for the kingdom. I hope the king moves quickly and establishes an official heir. But who?"

"I will talk to the chief diviner. We will need to hold a divination ceremony to get more clarity on the issue. Or maybe several," said Taufus.

"I am a great believer in your abilities to see the future, distinguished mage," said Dafat, the court official. "However, the ultimate decider will need to be the king. He will have to determine who is the most capable successor. The kingdom is entering difficult times. Enemies are all around, sharpening their teeth like sharks."

The two continued talking, even as increasingly louder noises from the festivities all around made it harder to hear each other.

Taufus was eager to get the day over with. In his mind, worrying too much now was of no use. At least the talk made the time go quicker, he thought. He was almost home.

As they arrived at his house, he said goodbye to Dafat Daurus. Two guards remained at his door, while the others continued further with the administrator.

He walked up the stairs, to be greeted by his wife. Kafina was already waiting for him, standing next to the table, dinner ready. Because of how her curly hair was pointing in all directions, she was often called the "wild-haired woman".

"Taufus! Where have you been?"

"Dear, I was at the court. I bring dire news, I am afraid," replied Taufus.

"Dire news? Did the partyers set fire to some important building in the city? Or did some sort of a riot break out? All day I keep hearing loud noises," said Kafina.

"No. Worse than that. The heir to the throne, the young Prince Plamus has been killed," replied Taufus.

"Oh no! That is terrible news," stated the wife, her voice trailing off.

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