Shoko explaining Rct (12)

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"You, I haven't seen you all morning. Wasting your time training? Let's go catch a movie together soon."Gojo said acting as if he didn't leave Keitaro to pay the bills about a few days ago.

"You seem awfully happy for someone that left me to pay for your goddam bill at the restaurant a few days back," Keitaro said looking at Gojo annoyed.

"Oh come on Minato no need to be so stuck in the past," Gojo said with a smile as Keitaro still looked annoyed.

"...... I will get you back one day I swear.."Keitaro said looking at Gojo as Gojo just smiled.
"I am sure you will buddy," Gojo said nonchalantly.

"What do you want," Keitaro said looking at Gojo who just replied.
"Can't I just visit my best buddy"
"That would be Geto......get to the point," Keitaro said looking at Gojo who just sighed before saying.

"There is place that is pretty far away and I have to do a mission there, ..." Gojo said with a smile as Keitaro just looked at him before saying.

"If you wanted a lift just say so....there was no need to tippy toe over it"

Gojo just grinned to which Keitaro just asked for the address before just putting his hands on Gojo's shoulder and concentrating.

After 30 seconds, he found it, and then boom, they vanished leaving nothing behind, 30 seconds later Keitaro reappeared back to where he was just without Gojo.

"I really need to work on my short-distance teleportation along with the casting time, it takes way too long," Keitaro said seriously.

Keitaro then went to look at his notebook to see how he could possibly shorten the time it take for him to teleport. 

So if he remember correctly his technique work like this.
He can teleport to any point that he has marked.
The marking seemed like they wouldn't vanish even after he placed them as that marking he had Gojo shirt was still there.

The marking seem to smite a small pulse that he alone can feel as even Gojo six eyes seem unable to locate them unless he really look for them.

He can teleport very short distance without the seals but it's only short distance.
So what way could be take to shorten the time that he take to teleport.

Keitaro reflected on his teleportation technique. Remembering its mechanics, he knew that the markings, once placed, retained a lingering presence.

Realizing the potential to improve, Keitaro pondered ways to expedite the activation and teleportation process. "I need to refine my connection to the pulse," he thought, recognizing that a quicker attunement could significantly reduce the time required for teleportation.

With determination, Keitaro decided to practice, pushing himself to enhance his concentration. He aimed to streamline the process, making it more efficient and responsive.

he began marking the area, concentrating on embedding a more distinct pulse within them.

Closing his eyes, Keitaro delved into a meditative state, mentally connecting with each marking. With each attempt, he honed his ability to attune swiftly to the unique pulses, feeling the subtle energy resonating beneath his consciousness.

Keitaro relentlessly practiced, pushing the limits of his concentration. He experimented with different approaches, aiming to shorten the time it took to connect to the pulse before teleporting.

Keitaro's dedication bore fruit. His teleportation became more fluid.
"Oh you still training"A familiar female voice said as Keitaro eyes looked towards who says those words and notice Shook.

"Yeah I am" Keitaro said he stopped what he was doing to look at Shook.

"Yeah I am" Keitaro said he stopped what he was doing to look at Shook

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Keitaro then notice her smoking which was a usual sight.
He then opened his mouth and said.
"Isn't that bad for your lungs"
"I mean yeah but I can heal it with RCT so it's good, "Shoko said nonchalantly

"Isn't that bad for your lungs""I mean yeah but I can heal it with RCT so it's good, "Shoko said nonchalantly

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"How did you even learn Rct"Keitaro asked to which Shoko just said.
"It just came to me really"
"Can you explain how it feels? "Keitaro said looking at her to which she just replied

"You go Fyoh and then Hyo, Fyoh, and Hyo, do you get it"Shoko said looking at Keitaro.

"You go Fyoh and then Hyo, Fyoh, and Hyo, do you get it"Shoko said looking at Keitaro

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"You have no sense for it at all"Shoko said to which Keitaro replied.
"I have never felt dumber..."

She laughed a bit at his reaction before opening her mouth and saying
"You are not the first one"
"I however will figure it out"Keitaro said not willing to give up.

"Yeah sure"Shoko said as if this wasn't the first time she heard this.
"Before I finish my years in this school, I shall learn rct"Keitaro said with a smile.

"Shh, don't make promises you can't keep"Shoko said as she placed her index finger over her lips.

"Shh, don't make promises you can't keep"Shoko said as she placed her index finger over her lips

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"Heheh...i will do it," Keitaro said confidently to which she just looked mildly amused.

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