Chapter 31

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Kyla just stared, wide-eyed at the motionless hamster on the ground. I glanced away from the floor, sickened at the sight. Dannon was emerging from the bathroom, wiping a paper towel on his arm to get off any blood remaining. He paused at my expression, his brows furrowing in concern.

"What's wrong?" he mouthed.

In answer, I pointed down at the ground where the hamster lay. Dannon's gaze followed my finger and his eyes widened a fraction. He stepped hesitantly into the room, not at all looking disgusted that there was a dead rodent on the ground. I wasn't sure what emotion was playing in his blue eyes. Maybe sadness? Maybe sympathy? It was hard to tell.

Ean, still crying, stood up. "We have to make him a coffin," he muttered, wiping his eyes. "And then bury him."

He left the room, sniffling as he did.

Kyla dropped to the floor, putting her head in her hands. I knelt down next to her, putting an arm around her shoulder. It was at times like these where I didn't care that I was being huggable. Kyla's shoulders were shaking, telling me that she was crying. "It's okay," I murmured, rubbing her back slightly.

Kyla shook her head. "No, it's not! I just murdered Ean's stupid hamster."

Dannon knelt down with us, bringing one of his arms around her as well. We sat there for a few moments, not saying anything except for comforting words in Kyla's ear. I kept my eyes away from the animal, not wanting to gag in the middle of trying to make Kyla feel better. I would only make her feel worse.

But, it was so hard not to look!

My eyes inevitably turned to the hamster. I gasped, pulling my arm off of Kyla. "Holy shit!" I hollered.

Mr. SnappleCracklePopple blinked, his beady eyes trained on me. How could he have possibly lived through that horrid fall? It just didn't make sense! I jabbed Kyla in the ribs so she would look. She cried out in pain, but looked down at the ground anyway.

"Ean!" she called. "Come get your stupid hamster!" She huffed, standing up, her energy immediately redeemed. "He's staring at me like he's going to kill me!"

"That's ridiculous," Ean argued, coming back into the living room, a box in his hand. "His eyes were closed."

He stopped as Mr. SnappleCracklePopple turned, ready to run. Ean scurried forward, catching Mr. SnappleCracklePopple in his hands as the hamster was about to lurch forward. Ean smiled brightly, scurrying over to the hamster's cage that was set next to the recliner, putting him gently inside.

"I forgive you, Kyla," he said shortly.

Kyla placed her hands on her hips, blowing her bangs out of her face. "This day has been way too hectic for me."

Dannon and I laughed. I stood up, my arms wrapping around myself securely. Dannon stood up, too, standing so close that our arms brushed. "Well, at least it lived," he said brightly, gesturing the hamster now sitting in his wheel. I didn't understand the need for the wheel. The most he used it for was a bed.

Kyla sighed, nodding. "Thanks, guys."

I nodded while Dannon simply smiled. "Well, now that this problem is solved," I mused, "we should probably get going. We didn't even start working on the project yet."

Kyla scrunched her nose in distaste. "Oh yeah. I have to get together with my partner."

The poor girl hadn't gotten Oliver for a partner as she's hoped.  Even though he was in her history class, it seemed like Mrs. Carl—of Miss Tanta if she chose the partners—didn't feel like playing matchmaker anymore.  Oliver was assigned to some girl named Hannah.  He'd made it quite clear to her later on that he wanted Kyla as a partner.  She'd been the only one he wanted to work with, apparently.  It looked like they were going to be the ones called "lovebirds" soon.

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