Chapter 7

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Xavier pov :-

I went home to see that Aurora was there it's not new to me to find her there but the look in her eyes I never seen her like that before she looked scared and Aurora isn't the kind that get scared easy

"hey you are here" she said when she noticed me

"hi you are fine" I asked

"yes what makes you think am not" she asked

"your look you look sad and scared of something what is it" I say

"you know. I went to your office to get a charger and I saw everything thing there" she say

Now it hit me I has everything about my parents death and I just learn that they were killed not dying because of a car accident like we thought

"and" I asked

"why didn't you tell me we don't keep anything from each other" she say

"I just know what happened to them and I know something new today it's about your grandmother do you want to know it" I say

"what. What does my grandmother has to do with all that" she asked

"she is connected to Blaze Rodrigo I don't know how but both are connected and Blaze is the first one I suspect to be the one that killed my parents" I say

We spend some time and she left for the first time there was a wall between us if Fraya Rossi really connected by anyway to Blaze Rodrigo and he has something to do with my parents death there would be a war and I will lose Aurora in that war but there is nothing I can do

I need to know what the connection is and fast

Aurora Rossi pov :-

That can't be happening am not going to lose Xavier for that bitch I can't I called my second command and told him to see what he will find I was in my way to Uncle Dimitri house I asked him to look in to it and I also called uncle Edward and asked him to look also in to it but I couldn't just stay still I know that's its just a matter of time but I can't wait I can't lose him I just can't

3rd person pov :-

While Aurora was scared of losing Xavier and Xavier was afraid of losing her Blaze and Fraya were planning an attack against the Ricci but Xavier was Always ready so it was no surprise that it didn't work but it made Xavier sure that Blaze wasn't working alone

For the first time ever the Xavier Ricci was afraid but not from the attacks from losing Aurora little did he know he could never lose her

Fraya Rossi on the other hand didn't want any thing to do more than to kill Aurora she destroyed all her plans and she know that she can't do anything just now but when the time come she will take her life by her on hand and by just thinking about it she smiled

But she didn't know that Aurora is always two steps a head of her so she won't be able to do anything

Fraya never loved Dante she was always was in love with Blaze but before there wedding by two days he broke the engagement and disappeared after two years she married Dante and got her kids but she never loved him

After ten years from Blaze disappearing he meet her again and they made the plan to take the Rossi kingdom by killing all of them but for her to be the hair her son had to take over so they had to wait

But when Daniel fell in love with Andrea both of them know that they can't stand against the three families so they made another plan and it was by taking over the Ricci first but it didn't work because no one know that Nicoloe Ricci had son's so his sons took over

Xavier was to strong for them to even start a war against him so they got Rina to destroy Daniel and Andrea relationship but they couldn't and new there is nothing they can do except waiting

But what they didn't know is the connection between Aurora and Xavier and that it's just a matter of time before Aurora figure everything out

Aurora Rossi pov :-

Kia my second command just called me and told me about the story of the engagement between my grandmother and Blaze so one of two she doesn't have anything to do with him anymore or she is cheating on grandpa

I both ways am not going to lose Xavier but the feeling that I was going to lose him made me really want to know if he have feelings for me

Xavier Ricci pov :-

After Aurora called me I realized that am not losing her I want her to be mine my girlfriend my love to have a future with her to be the mother of my kids to be the love of my life because she is

Even if she doesn't know that yet

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