Chapter 37

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Bahamut shifted his attention to Master of Coin, Lord Petyr Baelish, known as Littlefinger. Littlefinger could feel the weight of Bahamut's gaze on him and realized that the dragon was aware of his presence. Bahamut's words cut through the silence, "Chaos is a ladder, am I right, Master of Coin, Lord Petyr Baelish?".

Petyr Baelish raised his head with visible struggle, attempting to maintain a stoic expression, even though he was inwardly terrified by the dragon's presence and its uncanny ability to uncover the deepest secrets of those it judged. He felt as though he stood before one of the most dangerous beings in existence.

Littlefinger had always thrived on keeping his enemies confused. His motto was to keep them uncertain about his true intentions and actions, making it difficult for them to predict his next move. This strategy had served him well in his political games. However, the dragon before him seemed to possess a level of knowledge that could unravel all his schemes.

With just his first sentence, Bahamut had shattered the illusion of Littlefinger's secrecy and left him with a deep sense of vulnerability.

Lord Petyr Baelish, trembling with barely contained fear, attempted to feign confusion. "Lord... I'm a bit confused," he stammered, trying to buy time. Bahamut's words had left him feeling vulnerable and exposed.

The dragon's gaze bore into him, unrelenting. "What game are you playing right now, Lord Petyr Baelish?" Bahamut asked, his voice like a relentless storm. Littlefinger was certain he was facing a formidable adversary, one who saw through his carefully constructed façade.

Littlefinger attempted to regain his composure. "Lord, I understand your skepticism," he began, his voice quivering. "But I've always been a man of pragmatism. In this intricate game of politics, I've done what I deemed necessary to serve the realm's interests... even if it meant making difficult choices."

Bahamut's eyes remained fixed on him as he continued to press. "Difficult choices, you say?" the dragon inquired. "The one who murdered the former Hand of the King or the Usurper using poison from Lys. What is it called, Tears of Lys? Then you made a troubled woman, Lysa, send a letter to Lady Catelyn, telling her it was the Lannisters who murdered Jon Arryn. You even sent assassins to kill Lord Eddard Stark's second youngest child and provided the knife for the assassination. Later, when it failed, you claimed the knife belonged to Tyrion Lannister. And now, you conspired with Cersei Lannister against Eddard Stark, betraying and accusing him. Nearly caused war between Stark and Lannister, Am I wrong?"

Lord Petyr Baelish swiftly denied, "No, my Lord, I deny it."

Bahamut then turned his attention to Eddard Stark and questioned, "What was the last thing Petyr Baelish said to you?" Eddard was shaken from his thoughts, realizing that his enemy had always been much closer than he had ever suspected. But before Eddard could respond, Bahamut added, "I did warn you not to trust me."

Eddard was stunned once more, unable to fathom the extent of Littlefinger's deceit. Bahamut continued, "For a man of small stature, you have great ambition. How does it feel to imagine yourself sitting on the Iron Throne?"

Petyr Baelish's eyes widened with disbelief. Bahamut's words had unraveled his web of deceit. The dragon's final decree was clear. "Your punishment will come from the North. Until then, ponder the worst possibilities." Guards swiftly moved to take Littlefinger away to his prison, ensuring there would be no escape for the master manipulator.

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