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In Room

Made Jungkook sit on the bed

JK:hubby you didn’t told me what you brought for me??

Looked at Taehyung with a pout

Tae: cause I didn’t brought anything

Said casually while looking in his luggage

JK: really hubby???

Asked in sad voice

Tae:why would I lie to you huh!!!

Still searching something

Tae:this is for you

Said while handling Jungkook one bag

JK:what is it???

Tae:you yourself check it


Jungkook open the bag and saw new clothes, phone and watches

JK:these are for me???

Tae:no, these are for me

Said mockingly

Tae: ofcourse it’s for you Jungkook

Said while ruffling Jungkook’s hairs

JK: thank you thank you so much for this hubby

Saying that he hugged Taehyung and pecked his lips

Tae:it’s ok but you can’t use this new phone and watches now

And took the phone and watches from Jungkook

JK:why can’t i???

Tae: cause you get low marks

JK:but hubby

Tae:no hubby and all, you will listen to me only

JK:why are you so cruel huh!!!

Tae:I know how cruel I’m no need to remind me but let me tell you something that I already checked the cctv cameras and saw how trouble you caused for maids

JK in mind:now I wouldn’t be able to sleep properly

Fake crying internally

JK:but hubby I didn’t do that intentionally

Tae: fine about that but what about your marks huh!!!

Jungkook just pouted and showed it to Taehyung who chuckled lightly at Jungkook’s cuteness

Tae:I also saw how you always use your phone or eat junk food and don’t study properly

JK: hubby

Said while Holding Taehyung’s tshirt with his two fingers

Tae:what hubby??? You never listen to hubby why huh!!!

JK:I’m sorry

Tae:what should I do with your sorry huh!!!

JK:I don’t know but please don’t scold me

Tae:wahhh!!! I didn’t started scolding you and you are saying like I’m scolding from past thirty minutes huh!!!


Tae:no you wouldn’t get phone and watches

JK:but you brought for me

Tae:I brought it right, so now I’m not giving it to you cause you aren’t serious about your studies

JK: hub—

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