Chapter 20

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Monday afternoon

"It's going to leak tomorrow."

"How do you know?"

Romi swirls the glass straw against the edge of her glass, mixing the vodka into her Arnold Palmer. It's too cool for a proper pool party, but the glistening aquamarine rectangle serves as the perfect backdrop against the rolling, sun-streaked hills. This is new Hollywood. For try-hards. But Bennett Foster knew how to throw a party. He's one of the only new Hollywood types Romi doesn't find blisteringly shameless. Perhaps because he'd been acting since he was four. Wonderfully jaded behind closed doors, a personality streak appreciated by the Hollywood lifers. Nothing worse than a starry-eyed wannabe.

Off to the right of the pool, Zuko Moi is playing his unreleased album on a glittering set of turntables worth more than most people's homes.

Romi had invited Luna Monroe to this party even though it's clearly out of Luna's league. That's the very point. To both remind her of her lower status and shine a light on a world that could open itself up to her. Only a select few of the social media stars were ever truly accepted into the Hollywood elite. And no one holds more access keys than Romi Amar.

How did Romi know something was going to leak tomorrow? It's hard to not know something is going to happen when you've been architecting it behind the scenes.

"I have my sources, Luna. Please don't doubt me."

"I—I don't."

"Listen, Luna," Romi turns to face her, not missing the way Luna's doe eyes widen at the constant stream of famous faces mingling around the pool. Every singer, actor, movie star of the moment is here. Romi resists rolling her eyes at Luna's obviousness, half expecting her to pull a pen and notepad from her PR designer bag and ask for an autograph. "You don't have to be attached to Sumner. You have your own...thing going or whatever. You don't need to be her assistant anymore. Other celebrities with far more staying power than Sumner need assistants."

"Like who?" Luna's eyes remain wide as she tries to focus back on Romi, distracted by Dora Gutierrez swaying her hips by the turntables, the pop girl of the moment.

"Like me." Romi tilts her head, laughing when Luna's jaw drops open in shock.

"Are you...serious?"

"When it comes to business, Luna, I'm always serious. Runs in the family."

"But, I mean, Sumner—is she going to be okay? Do you really think she did it?"

"What I think or what you think doesn't really matter, Luna. What matters is what the LAPD thinks. You know Hollywood and the police are tight behind closed doors," Romi loops her middle finger over her forefinger to emphasize her point. "And detectives don't just show up at people's place of work for chit-chat about the weather. They've found something new. The blowback is going to be catastrophic."

Luna swallows hard, trying to focus. The fame, the power, the level of celebrity at this party is leaps above the social media influencers houses she typically frequents. Perhaps she could try her hand at acting. Maybe even singing.

"What do you want, Luna?" Romi shifts, blocking the rest of the party from Luna's view, forcing eye contact.

"I don't know—"

"I think you do." Romi smirks, leaning in closer. "I'll tell you a little secret, Luna, seeing as you've barely scratched the surface of your twenties. In Hollywood you can either be loyal or the star. You cannot be both. Are you going to let your loyalty to Sumner West, someone who asks you to fetch coffee and review contracts, keep you from the spotlight?" Romi waves her arm behind her, "Keep you from what everyone here has? I can see that you want it. Don't be bashful, Luna. Take it."

Luna twirls her fingers along the hem of her skirt. Her fingers itch for her phone. The thought of taking a sweeping reel of this party nearly makes her high. But Romi had demanded she hand over her phone before entering. No photos at this party.

"I—I want it." Luna sits up straighter, making eye contact with Romi even though it's hard. Her acqua blue eyes are so intense, so measured and in control.

"Welcome to team Half-Jewish, Luna. Your first step in truly becoming a star."

And with that, Romi had chipped away at Sumner's armor. Her management, her producer, her boss, and her assistant. And tomorrow, her reputation. 

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