32. Her Forest Man

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Rowan's apartment was very minimalistic but suited his vibe perfectly. They were both lying on a blanket on the floor in the middle of the living room. All the lights were out, the only one being of the full moon right above them in the sky, curtains were opened so it would cast a faint glow on the room. Sera was happily lying in Rowan's arms, feeling warm and content.

"Okay ummm, what's your type?" She asked excitedly once she thought of the question.

Rowan hesitated. He didn't want to be cliche and answer 'you' because quite honestly, brunettes were more his vibe.

"You won't get mad?" He had to make sure first.

"Oh shit." She looked up at him, "You like thick girls, don't you?" She half laughed.

"I like anything that's you." He mumbled.

Sera hid her red face in his chest, and he had to forcefully lift it up so she could meet his eyes.

"No but in all honesty?" Sera nodded and he went on, "Brunettes were more type before I met you, you're the first ever blonde I've liked." He admitted.

"That's kind of sweet, you changed your type for me. That's how much you like me. Why would I be mad?" She smiled. She wasn't lying, the idea was cute to her.

"I don't know, I imagined me saying brunettes and then you getting upset."

"No, it's cute." She mumbled distractingly, playing with the strings of his hoodie. "Black looks really good on you." She said after a while, leaning her head on his chest fully.

"You look good on me."

"Rowan." She whined while he only chuckled. "Wait, now you ask me." She demanded excitedly.

"Tell me one truth. Something that was on your mind from when we weren't together." He urged, eyes intently focused on her.

"I called you forest man in my head." Rowan immediately furrowed his brows in confusion, "What?"

"From the first day I saw you." She laughed, "Your eyes, your hair, your vibe. It reminded me of a forest. Calm and deep, so beautiful that you could happily get lost in. Yet at the same time, so dangerous." Her eyes never wavered from his.

"Are you making shit up?" He laughed jokingly.

"No, I swear!" She exclaimed, "I also told Wes about you."

Rowan hummed, bringing her even closer to him so that now she was sitting on his lap. "What did you tell him?"

"That I was intent on getting to know you, and breaking your shell." She said with a wicked smile.

"You did." He leaned in and kissed her neck gently.

"Also," She drawled, avoiding eye-contact.

"Yeah?" He leaned back and focused his attention on her.

"There kind of," She paused, looking at him now.

"Kind of..." He urged.

"There kind of was no date." She kept her eyes on him, expecting.

Rowan narrowed his eyes.

"No date?"

"No date." She shook her head slowly.

Rowan suddenly got up to change their position, he did it so suddenly and aggressively in order to scare her, which he did. He was able to lay her down on the couch while positioning himself right above her. Sera wasn't able to stop giggling.

"You were fucking with me?" He asked, starting to tickle her all over.

"I'm sorry." She tried to say between her laughter, she felt her heart about to stop.

"I had to get you moving." She said after he stopped.

"I can't believe that a twenty-one-year-old was able to come into my life, cast a spell on me to like her, and then lead me into a trap."

"Cast a spell? Excuse you, you liked me on your own." She defended. "That was a great trap, though."

"It was, did you think of it on your own?" Sera nodded.

"I knew you were insanely jealous from that time I slept at Wes' dorm, but I kept denying it because I didn't want to get my hopes up." Rowan shook his head at her words.

"I was so close to telling you to just sleep at my house." He said.

"I honestly would've." She shrugged but Rowan didn't like it.

"You didn't know me enough. Fuck, you still don't know me enough." His tone was hard as if scolding her.

"I trust you." She batted her eyelashes up at him sweetly.

"We need to work on your trust." He added, though a smile slipped and lit up his entire face.

"I love seeing you smile." She nudged her nose with his.

"I love seeing you." Rowan leaned in and kissed her softly.

This was the most either of them has felt content in years. And although there was a long road ahead of them, Sera looked forward to getting to know her forest man better, to break his shell fully and throw it away. She wanted him, all of him, truly and genuinely. And he was willing to work on his relationship issues with her and for her; His coldness, his jealousy and possessiveness, his mood swings. He knew she was worth it. He was never going to leave the embrace of her warm blanket.

His Sera.

Forever and always.

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