𝟑𝟔✯ 1912

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Mak hades past.

As I chased my brothers around the house in my little pajama shorts, my mother always shouted at me to stop running in the house. She hated the noise and would get very angry when I didn't listen to her. I remember her yelling at me, "Stop it, Mak! I said no running in the house!"

One day, when I was only eight years old, I ran into the living room and accidentally knocked over a vase. My mother was furious and shouted at me to pick it up. When I tried to explain that it was an accident, she slapped me across the face, hard. My brothers stood behind her, scared and silent, feeling bad for me.

From that moment on, my mother's abuse and mistreatment of me became even worse. She would often hit me, yell at me, and blame me for everything that went wrong in our home. She refused to show me any compassion or love, and I was left feeling alone and unwanted.

I didn't understand why she hated me so much, and it seemed like nothing I did would ever make her happy or proud of me.

After the slap, My Mother turned away from him, walking to the other side of the room, and began to clean up the shattered fragments of the vase.

"I said, clean this up, Mak," she ordered coldly.

Mak began to clean up the mess, feeling shame and anger well up inside him. He could feel tears starting to form in his eyes, and he tried his best to hold them back. He didn't understand why his mother was so mean to him, and why she didn't seem to love him. He felt like a burden, like he was never good enough for her.

As he worked, he could hear his brothers whispering to each other in the background. He couldn't make out what they were saying, but he knew they were talking about him. He could feel their pity and concern, and it made him feel even more alone.

Finally, his mother seemed to be pleased with the mess being cleaned up, and she turned to him again.

"And don't ever run through the house again," she said, pointing her finger at him. "Or I'll show you what a real punishment is, did you hear me?"

Mak stood silent, his eyes downcast, and he nodded his head.

Mak mother leaned down to kiss him on his lips. "Now go to your room and don't make a sound."

"Come here my little boys." I heard and noticed my mother hugging my little brothers.

"I'm sorry you guys had to see that, you're brother is absolutely horrid!"

After several more years of abuse and neglect, Mak's father finally had enough. He called a family meeting to discuss Mak's behavior.

"We need to talk about Mak," he said sternly. "I'm sick of seeing him be such a bad influence on his little brothers. He's always getting into trouble, always running around like a maniac, always causing chaos in this house."

Mak's mother nodded her head in agreement, looking at Mak with a mixture of anger and disappointment. Mak felt his heart sink as he realized that both his parents were against him. He wanted to defend himself, to explain how he felt, but he was too afraid to speak up.

"We need to do something about him," his father said, "Something drastic, before he gets his brothers into even more trouble."

Mak's mother nodded again, her eyes fixed on Mak with a look of pure hatred. Mak couldn't believe what he was hearing. He felt like they were talking about him as if he were a pest, a nuisance, something to be gotten rid of. He wanted to run away, to escape his parents' wrath, but he didn't know where to go.

"What do you suggest?" his mother asked, a hint of malice in her voice.

"We send him away," his father said, "Away from his brothers, away from us. We'll send him to boarding school, hopefully they take him in, and hopefully they'll be able to straighten him out."

Mak's heart sank as he realized that his parents had already made their decision. He was being banished, sent away to a boarding school, all because they hated him and thought he was a bad influence on his brothers. He felt betrayed and alone, and wondered if he would ever be able to find love or acceptance anywhere else.

"I don't understand, I didn't do anything wrong? You guys blame me for everything!" Mak cried

"You're a boy! Boys do not cry, depart from me, I never knew you— you are not my son." His father yelled

Mak stepped forward, his heart beating in his chest.
"Why do you treat me like this, like a monster?" he said, his voice shaking. "You're my family, and I just don't understand why you can't accept me for who I am."

His mother glared at him, her eyes cold and unfeeling. "You are a creature of the night, a monster in human form," she said softly, her words cut through the air like a knife. "You have no place in our lives, no place in our family. You belong in a cage, not among us."

Mak's heart sank as he listened to his mother's words. He had always hoped for things to be different, but this moment confirmed what he had always feared - he would never be accepted by his family. He was a monster, and they would never see him as anything else.

"You turn me into this!" I yelled at my mother

"Don't talk to your mother like that or I'll hurt you!" My father shouted

"We may be like you but you're worst, you kill and don't know how to control! You almost got us caught! Leaving trails of dead animals! it was too much and people were getting suspicious." He shouted

"You're a monster boy, you'll always be one! No one will ever love you."

"I'm a monster." I cried

"I'll always be one,

"We don't want you near your brothers! Your going to make them leave trails too and leave us dead!"

"your the reason why your sister is dead."



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