Everyone Had a Sad Face 😔

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Gloom was written all over Shivam’s face. Thinking of how Isha’s red lips approached him just now, a thick layer of coldness shrouded his eyes.

Who was Abhay?

He returned to his seat, turned on his laptop, and looked up Isha’s personal information.

In the past five years, he had restrained himself from looking for her because he was deeply hurt by the divorce agreement. The wound in his heart only slowly healed after she came back.

Thus, he knew nothing about what happened to her in the past five years.

He traced her history in the past five years. But just like the last time, he could only find some public information about her, such as her working experiences as a model. He couldn’t find any personal information about her.

Shivam turned off his laptop and rubbed his glabella.

Thinking that she liked someone else made his heart want to explode. His emotion shattered, and this time, he felt like his wound couldn’t be healed.

Isha slept soundly all throughout the flight. She only opened her eyes slowly when the plane landed in Jingdu City.

Finally, she was back. It felt so good. She yawned and stretched her body.

After saying goodbye to Lovely, she happily got into the car with Shivam.

She was so excited to see GunGun and Abhay.

But Shivam’s aura was a bit morose and reticent. It seemed that his whole being was wrapped with dark clouds, shrouded by a layer of mist.

Isha was too excited to notice that something was wrong with him. She was just fiddling with the gifts in her hands.

When they arrived at home, and she opened the door, GunGun rushed out directly. He hugged her thighs and said, “My lovely Ishi, you’re finally back! I miss you so much!”

“I miss you too! So I’ve bought a lot of gifts for you.” She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

Shivam just stood aside. And GunGun didn’t seem to notice him at all. GunGun jumped on Isha and wanted to hug her.

“I’ve bought a super invincible RC car for you,” Isha said as she handed a box to GunGun.

GunGun’s eyes lit up at once. Although he already had all kinds of RC cars, the one from Isha was totally different. It was the best!

“My lovely Ishi, you are so nice. You are the best cutie in the world!”

Isha turned to Aunt Chen and handed her a gift. “Aunt Chen, this is for you. Thank you for taking care of GunGun.”

“I’m only doing my job. How can I accept your gift?” Aunt Chen was terrified. She didn’t dare to accept the gift that Isha gave her.

But when she saw that Shivam nodded his head slowly, she took it.

“Thank you so much, Miss Sharma.”

It was only then that GunGun realized that Shivam had been standing there, and his aura seemed strange.

Although Shivam was always serious, he looked a bit different today.

“Daddy!” A soft and cute smile appeared on GunGun’s round face.

Infected by this smile, Shivam also smiled.

But since he was still thinking of the man in Isha’s heart, his smile was forced, and his aura was gloomy.

“Ishi, what’s wrong with Dad?” GunGun asked Isha in confusion.

Isha glanced at Shivam and found that he was indeed particularly dull today. He didn’t speak at all, but an invisible pressure coming from him had made people uncomfortable.

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