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"Anyone wanna order food tonight?" 

Felix throws himself over the back of the sofa as he asks, landing with a thump in the space between Seungmin and Minho. 

Seungmin glances up from his phone, eyes betraying his glee at the question. He nodded eagerly at Felix, trying to ignore the glare that Minho shot at him from the other side of the chair.

"Seungmin," Minho warned. "You can't get out of cooking that easily. If you order food tonight, you cook tomorrow." 

"Hyung," Seungmin whined. His eyes curved wider, puppy-dog gaze meeting Minho's narrowed stare. "You know I hate cooking. Hyunjin is too critical and Jeongin is too fussy."

Minho just shrugged, his silence a sign to Seungmin that this was not a discussion he was open to.  

"It's not my fault we get meals cooked by the resident Michelin chef twice a week. It makes your cooking look like... well, definitely not like cooking." 

The voice came with the apparition of a new boy; tall, slender, graceful, strolling lazily into the living room, gaze never leaving the phone in his hand. Hyunjin paused behind Seungmin, delicate fingers sparkling with several rings reaching out to fuss condescendingly at the nape of Seungmin's neck. 

Seungmin huffed, pulled forward away from Hyunjin's touch, frowning at him and batting his hand away. Hyunjin just grinned back. Felix tried to be discreet in the way that he glanced up through long eyelashes to gaze at Hyunjin; it was impossible not to look at him.

Minho didn't need to look. He'd known the boy long enough to predict every flicker and pull of his facial muscles, knew his desire to tease, knew him like a brother. They'd lived together for a few years now, slowly growing into solid friends. 

"Let Seungmin cook tomorrow, hyung," Hyunjin said, glancing at Minho. "I'm coming with you to your dance class, right? If he cooks tomorrow, we don't have to eat it. Avoid some serious food poisoning." 

Felix, usually the mediator, shot a look up at Hyunjin. He shook his head almost unnoticeably - but Seungmin noticed.

"Fine," Seungmin huffed. "Me, Felix and Jeongin will enjoy a lovely, nutritious home-cooked meal." 

Felix smiled at him awkwardly, trying to hide the way the sentence sparked his nerves. Seungmin rolled his eyes and pouted. Glancing between Minho, Felix and Hyunjin, looking for anyone who might be supportive in the face of such outrage, he found that they were all unable to meet his eye. 

With a scoff, he flounced out of the room. "Whatever. Jeongin will have my back."

Hyunjin giggled and slouched into the spot that Seungmin left on the couch, his long legs lifting up to swing over Felix's lap. Felix barely reacted, just a slight tighten of the muscles in his stomach. Hyunjin's legs were long enough that his feet hung off Felix's lap and dangled in the air.

They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, before a noise from Hyunjin's phone prompted Minho to lift his eyes. At first, it was just the sound of low music, voices chattering. And then the audio seemed to come to life. 

A voice, one which Minho wished he didn't recognise. Singing, soaring. The song was ambitious, vocals ranging across scales and the speed enough to make any other person's diction slur. But this singer seemed to breathe the song in and out, seemed to be the song itself. 

Jisung? Minho wondered. Is that what they said the boy was called?

He craned his neck slightly, angling himself to try and conspicuously see the screen. Hyunjin's eagle eyes allowed no one to go unseen. He tilted the screen so Minho could watch. 

"Like what you see?" Hyunjin almost purred. Minho tutted.

Felix glanced up, too. "Remember, we saw him at the café, hyung?"

Minho shrugged. Said nothing. Watched Jisung embody art on the screen Hyunjin still had facing towards him. 

"Han Jisung, notoriously pretty," Hyunjin said under his breath. "Would like to play with him one day."

Minho's muscles stiffened tightly. 

"Don't bother," the oldest boy muttered. "Too bratty."

Hyunjin's lips quirked up into a feline smile. "Perfect."

Minho rolled his eyes, pushed the screen away, and stood up. Shoving Hyunjin's legs out the way, he left the boys behind, heading into the room he shared with Seungmin. 

He was glad to find it empty. His bed was made neatly, duvet pulled tight, a few pillows and a cat plushie ordered neatly against the wall. The whole room was neat, him and Seungmin having in common the desire for structure. As expected there were a few different plants in the room - one draping leaves over the top of a wardrobe, one bursting a warmth of flowers by the window, and then a perfectly trimmed and tied orchid on Minho's bedside table.

Without realising what he was doing, Minho leaned back onto the bed, pulling his phone from his pocket and opening up his Instagram feed. 

Thankfully, Hyunjin had shared the video, and so Minho found it with ease.

It was taken from the night of the party; he remembered the clothes from that night, slim-leg black jeans and a shirt made from thin, transparent black fabric. Even in the video, it fluctuates around Jisung's abs, thin enough to see the hard definition of muscle and skin beneath it. When Jisung lifts a hand to brush back blonde hair, the shirt comes with him, confirming the fine physique underneath.

The lights in the room reflect on the glitter that pricks up sparks of light on the camera. Jisung's eyes wander the crowd. When it fits the song, his eyes soften into dreamy slits, and his jaw slackens to emphasize the pout of full, fleshy lips. And then-

Minho had known he had caught the moment in real life, but seeing it on camera only confirmed it. The moment when Jisung spotted someone in the crowd, and a hairline fracture appeared in the armour he wore when singing. The feeling in Minho's stomach was warm, almost arrogant at the thought that someone could break down Jisung's image from such a small interaction. 

Minho couldn't stop himself from believing that it was him who did this to Jisung, Jisung who seemed so sure of himself, so unable to break. He was sure that Jisung had faltered when locking eyes with Minho.

Jisung wouldn't have been the first person to react this way, but what was different was the way that Minho didn't seem to mind. Rather than annoyed, he felt... proud? Proud that such a brief interaction could have such an effect on the school's 'golden ace'.

Seungmin's voice from the party echoed lightly in Minho's head. 

"Maybe he needs someone to bring him down a peg or two."

He allowed the video to replay a second time. And then a third. On the fifth rewatch, Minho couldn't deny it; he was excited for the dance class he was leading tomorrow night. Excited at the thought of Jisung being there. 

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slightly shorter chapter cos the next few are when things get spicy >:)

let me know ur thoughts!! and thank u for reading!!!

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