Part 26

7 1 0

I just wanted to be friends
But I've come to the realization
That we could never be friends
In this miserable civilization

We may live in the same city, same village
But no village dwelling or school building
Can ignore how you pillaged
My pride and feelings; seems you've gotten used to killing

We may be women but we're not weak
So why did you make every man think we are?
If you're getting tired, have a seat
After all, you are our "precious star"

Everyone admires you and I can see why
Did you not want me
Or did you feel it's time to say goodbye?
Well, it's not funny

I used to be the same
Until you ruined your fame
Amongst us 7
Your population is going to heaven

You may have popularity
For those faces of yours
But we have prosperity
For my friends are stronger than yours

151 words

Btw, this one is like ‚Ancient civilizations' themed (just a little bit)
Y'know the Aztec, Inca, and Maya?
Yeah it's somewhat based off that

A/N: Also, don't expect me to post more than like 2 a month
If I had any balls, that's where depression would be kicking me right now
Stay safe and drink LOTS of


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