January 23 2024

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Hi my fellow therians! I'm so sorry that I'm so late on my entries. I have a lot to say. 1, I've been practicing quads so much. It's really fun. 2, I've been really busy with life & school. and 3, i have to vent. lots of vent. I'm so tired hearing people say "YoU'rE nOt An AnImAl. YoU'rE nOt BuIlT tO rUn On AlL fOuRs" WE ALL KNOW THAT. WE DON'T CARE. also, !Warning, vent to other therians! just to make it clear, people have different experiences with being a therian. Some therians on Tiktok and Youtube speak for other therians, like they make a skit of of someone saying being a therian sounds fun, and they put no it's not. *sighs*... hey buddy! some people have different experience. some have it hard, some love it, and some, like me, love it, but it's also hard. The struggles of being bullied and treated badly has got to me. Also, I don't get why I couldn't just be born a cat. Just yesterday I was doing quadrobics in the family room. My papa (grandfather) said that what I was doing looked stupid. It it me hard. I calmly explained to him that it's an actually sport, but he made a joke out of it. he said the kids who did quads needed medical help. That they were insane and thought they were animals. I tried to back us up but he wouldn't listen. I felt like crying. Anyway, I've had multiple shifts while doing quads. they where so fun, but it was confusing when I snapped back. anyway, that's all I have to say for today.


Safati <3

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