Chapter 8- A Day Out

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As he closed the door behind him I couldn't move, my eyes were glued to the door as if he was going to come back.

When I was convinced he wasn't going to come back I breathed in relief but that was short-lived as the words before he left started resounding in my head over and over again.

Yes, that was what I was here for, but it didn't make it easy.

I stood up quickly and ran to the door and locked it as if that was going to change anything if he decided that he wanted to enter this room.

My body was refusing to calm so a good shower was the solution. I rushed to my bathroom and turned the shower head waiting in anticipation as the cold water hit my skin and I closed my eyes to relax.

If he planned to disrupt my day it worked perfectly well because the whole day I was a bundle of nerves. I couldn't eat breakfast, I just kept pacing, if I were in a high school group I would seriously get mocked because I was getting all worked up because a guy wanted to sleep with me. I had to get it together.

I needed a distraction before I went crazy. I remember hearing Rena mention this place having a cinema and I think watching a good comedy would help me calm my nerves.

I found the movie room with the help of Rena as I settled down with popcorn and orange juice. I decided to watch an episode of Mr bean.

There was no doubt I was enjoying the movie if the tears running down my eyes were any indication of my uncontrollable laughter. By the time the movie ended, I felt better.

I returned to my room and I decided to go out, I would not subject myself to staying home like I was in bondage, no one told me not to go out after all.

I picked a short sundress and put it on, then I paired it with block heels. I took my sunglasses and made my way downstairs.

Just as I was about to open the car door, I heard a voice speak behind me, making me stop my action. I turned to see a man behind me dressed in black from head to toe, I guessed that he was a bodyguard.

" Excuse me, ma'am. Are you going somewhere?" He asked me as his eyes were on my hand holding the car door.
I raised a brow at him as if asking what his business was with my whereabouts. Well, I didn't know people were so good at reading facial expressions.

" Boss warned us strictly that you do not step out of the house today." He said as he stepped back as if my face read murder, I don't doubt that. What was Markus driving at, he had no right in restricting my movement, why was he stopping me from going out? If he thinks I would listen to him like an obedient puppy he has something coming for him.

I got into the car ignoring the continuous call from the guard as I turned on the car and drove towards the gate.

When I got to the gate they wouldn't open it, they thought that would scare me. Instead of turning back like they expected, I moved the car in full force toward the gate. Let's see if they open it or not.

The gate opened just as I expected and I couldn't help but smirk. Let them go cry to their daddy.

I packed in front of one of my favorite restaurants, it wasn't anything special but to me it was, this is the restaurant my parents used to bring me to before everything went down the hill.

The owner smiled at me as he saw me, I was one of his favorite customers.

" Did you miss me?" I asked as I hugged him.." If I say no would you believe me?" He asked me and I shook my head…

" There, you have your answer."

He served me his special soup with the secret ingredient he refused to tell me no matter how many times I asked him. He was a cheery old man and that was what I loved about him, he didn't let anything get to him.

" How is it going dear?" He asked as I sat down on the chair opposite me.

" What can I say? I haven't been more better." I lied, I wasn't going to start telling him that I had signed my life away.

"Are you sure?" One thing about Mr Henry was that he could tell just on the spot when you're lying. I am sure he had a super Pinocchio power that could pick a lie, but that didn't mean I was going to tell him anything.

He got the message and instead of saying anything he just squeezed my hand and went back to his business.

After I finished the soup I thanked him and off course paid after arguing with him for several minutes, this happens all the time, me trying to pay for my meal and him refusing the money each time.

I decided to take a walk in the park before going home, the restaurant wasn't far from the park. When I got to the park I settled on one of the benches as I enjoyed the sun, I should really visit the beach one of these days.

There weren't many children out today so the place wasn't noisy. I couldn't help but smile when I saw a little girl giggle and one could see how happy and carefree she looked, there was a time that I felt that way carefree without a burden in the world.

I felt someone sit beside me and I turned to see a little girl of about four years old smiling up at me with a missing tooth. She was so cute.

" Hi pwetty lady, do you want to play with us?" She asked as she pointed her hands towards the group of other kids. She couldn't even pronounce pretty correctly because of her missing tooth and I couldn't help but giggle.

" What game are we playing?"

" Hide and seek."

" Okay go tell your friends am coming to get you all," I said as she jumped in glee running off towards her friends.

The whole day I spent playing with the kids until their parents called them off that it was time to go home. I also felt that it was time to return home, I had a lovely day and just couldn't stop smiling.

I parked the car outside the house and I hopped up the house like a child who just won a cute doll. As I entered the house and was making my way towards my room, I was stopped on my track.

" And where the hell are you coming from?" I heard the voice of the person I've been avoiding all day.


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