2. Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

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~ And I said I didn’t like way (s)he got things done, sleeping on job ~

Trey | Emma

“Welcome to Midnight Blues. How may I help you today ?”

“No hello or cheerful stuff, you tired ?”

“Oh it’s you, the Clueless Rock.”

“I told you not to call me that !”

“You never did.”

“How could I ? You hung up in my face.”

“Oh yeah, it was a fun day.”

“It was just the day before yesterday.”

“Whatever, why’d you call ?”

“This is your customer service ? Asking why a customer is calling so rudely ? I’mma complain to your manager.”

“Sure, try it. I’m not gonna get fired either way.”

“Why ?”

“I’m not gonna share information to some random stranger.”

“Random stranger ? Ouch, that hurt. I thought we had a connection.”

“We talked just once.”

“Yeah, but we got nicknames for each other and stuff.”

“You have a lot of free time, don’t you ? Are you always this clingy, or are you just doing this to annoy me ?”


“Dude, why’d you call ? Do you actually wanna order something or are you wasting my time ? If you’re wasting time then-“

“No no, wait. Um, I actually need a service. There was a miscommunication.”

“What ?”

“First, it was supposed to be a mixtape.”

“A mixtape ? You said you wanted a CD.”

“I know, I did. Apparently, I was supposed to use my spidey senses to know that my sister wanted a mixtape because we don’t have a CD player.”

“You don’t have a CD player ?”

“Uh, no, not exactly.”

“Bruh, if you don’t have a CD player, why on earth would you order CDs ? You doofus !”


“You just realised this, didn’t you ?”

“Yeah, Yeah, I, uh, yeah.”

“You know what, at this point in time, I don’t really care, screw this. When’re you gonna return the CD ?”

“Right when I get the mixtape.”

“Okay, I’ll get the songs-“

“Wait, uh, there’s something else-“

“There’s a second point ?”

“Yeah, are you tired or something ?”

“Of course I am ! I am sleep deprived for the last three days and I have so much to do !”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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