part 1

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I am coming back home after completing my graduation,I missed my family so much but I very well know they are not gonna miss me. Why they miss me I am just a daughter who had always been reason for downing there head in front of village people . You people must be thinking what I did that my parents are disrespected infront of village . How dare me being a girl I wanted to study and be independent other than marriage and being good wife for your husband. That's why they never miss me but my elder brother he fought for me whom unfortunately I loss last year in accident.

"We are gone kill you today"

I came out of my thoughts listening some sounds in forests, I ran towards that direction and saw few men going to kill a man. he fought them in weird way and running away from them I think he is drunk . My brother always told me life is very valuable and we should show humanity to everyone. So I went to him to save him ,I took his hand run towards a cave which would be safe for hiding from goons.

He was saying something,I went near him
"They drugged me I can't fight"
Oh this is why he is fighting weirdly.
"We are safe here ,when they leave we will leave from here"I told him but i think he sleep due to effect of drug.
After some time I can't hear any sounds of goons so went out and checked wheather they left or not and there is no one so I thought to leave but how can I leave him when he is in no state to fight and thought to stay still he wakeup.

Hii frnds this my first story pls vote and share so I get some confidence thankyou

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