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After his suprise confession, we slept like baby pandas. When we woke up in the morning, his fever went down and he was alright. So he dropped me at our usual spot. He was not letting me go home. I don't know how I escaped his clutches. I walked back home feeling happy than usual. Probably because someone decides to be stuck with me forever. Who knows?

When I opened the gate to our house, I sensed something was wrong. Female intuition. I shook away the thoughts and opened the front door to see my aunt and uncle sitting in the living room opposite to my parents. Ben is nowhere to be seen. Maybe he's out jogging. See I told you about the bad feeling. They're here. These people are my nightmare.

"Oh hey Gladish. You're here. You know girls shouldn't stay overnight." Here we go. Aunt ran towards me. "Look at you. You gained weight." Oh please you look like an overweight bull right now. But I didn't say that. I just smiled. Because this is the situation where it's better if you keep your mouth shut. See I told you no one would defend me.

"Aunt, she didn't gain weight. You did. Maybe that's why you feel like she did too." I was dumbfounded when Ben said that. He came through the front door, walked to the fridge and took a bottle of water and chugged it in one go. He takes physical health seriously unlike me. Like me, everyone was staring at him.

"What? No one dared to tell the truth so I did." He looked absolutely innocent. A smirk formed in my lips and I looked him in the eyes. He winked at me. This is the bond I've been talking about. My brother is my wingman.

"Bennet, pay more respect to elders." Dad said without looking at him. Ben wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Respect is earned Dad. I will not tolerate badmouthing and bodyshaming my sister. You keep silence because aunt is your sister and I will not because Glad is my sister. I ought to  protect her."

Everyone in the room fell silent. My jaw dropped. I sure as fuck didn't expect him to stand up for me against dad. He used to take my side subtly but this is the first time he did it in the face of them. I was more than proud and happy.  My brain said, 'Thats my boy' and he must have sensed that too because he gave me an assuring smile.

Mom stood up. Always the peacemaker. "Let's eat and talk things over food, right?" She plastered a smile. No one can say that it's fake. But I can. I know their body language like the back of my hand. We all moved to the dining table. Mom served food. Dad looked at me which means go and help your mother. I was just standing up when hands clutched my shoulder and pinned me down to the chair. I looked back to see Ben. What's with him and rebelling today?

"You sit here sister. I'm younger. Let me help mom." He smiled at me and disappeared into the kitchen. The atmosphere here is so tense that I am sweating even with the air conditioner on. Ben came out with food in his hand. He served for me first. This kid is really expecting a war. Then he served for everyone else and took a seat beside me.

I whispered to his ear, "What do you think you're doing, Ben?" He smiled at me and spoke in my ear, "What I should have done years ago." He sat upright in his seat and started eating his food.

"So," Uncle spoke and everyone's attention shifted to him. "I already told your parents. Nick is going abroad for studies so we are planning to celebrate his departure. We came here to invite you to the small get together. It's scheduled on day after tomorrow. I welcome you all. Please attend the programme."

We smiled at him. The rest of the breakfast went super fast. They bid us goodbye and left our house. Dad or Mom didn't say anything about Ben's confrontation. We got ready and left for school together. When we were about to part ways to the class I said, "Thank you Ben. I'm so proud of you." He did not reply. He just smiled at me and went to the class.

The day passed fast. Jayden texted me saying that he is going to meet his parents and had some business to take care of. The rest of the day went as boring as usual. The next was the same. I don't know why time flies when something bad is coming up.

I came out from the shower and sat on my makeup table. My phone vibrated and my screen lit up with a message. My face lit up when I saw the contact. I placed the towel on the back of my chair and opened the text.

Come over tonight. I miss you.
I smiled at his text. This man has the ability to make my day better with just a message.

Can't :( got a family function to attend.

Stay safe, Moon and text me if anything is wrong. I'll come right away and get you.

Are you concerned? About me?

Fuck yeah.
A blush crept up my cheek.

I'm getting ready. Talk to you later caveman :)

I put my phone down and did my make up. I did not settle for less. I did the special makeup that I've been reserving for situations like this where I can't fail. After I did my makeup, I put on my dress. It was a wine red dress with puffs. It ended right above my knees. I wore heels too cuz why not. I liked my overall look. It was intrusive thoughts but I snapped a mirror selfie and send it to Jayden. He saw the picture within seconds. I was about to put my phone in my bag when it ringed with a call. The fuck? He is facetiming me? I was a bit hesitant but I answered the call.

"Why did you call me? I told you right I'm going for a function."

"I wanted to see you. You look so beautiful Moon. You're always pretty but that dress suits you. I can't wait to rip that thing off your body."

"Did you call me to say that? And try touching this dress and I will not talk to you."


"If that's it, I'm hanging up. Bye." I hung up right after saying that. What? I was blushing so hard that my cheeks would be the colour of my dress. I walked out of my room. Mom already told me to wait in the car so I took seat in the back seat of the car.

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