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In a small room filled with the glow of morning sunlight, a man stood by the bedside with a serious expression etched on his face. The air was tense, and the atmosphere weighed heavily with the seriousness of the situation.

"How's He doctor?" The man spoke with hope.

The monitor is beeping at a side. His breathe is heavy.

"He is still in critical condition, We can't say anything until he come back to his sense. It's been 3 days already he's not waking up but If this continues then it'll be tough for him to come in sense. He can slip in coma or he can die."

The doctor spoke with a serious voice.

The man walked towards the Window and deeply sighed. He is the most trusted member of Namjoon's gang.He had saved him from the devastating fire that had been deliberately set by his own father.

The doctor, focused and intent, was diligently scribbling something on a prescription pad.

The room was not perfect; it held the aftermath of a tragedy. Band-aids covered the body of Namjoon, who lay still, unconscious and battered by the flames. The burnt remnants of a life lingered in the air.

The man had brought him to a small house, far away from the chaos and danger of the local area, ensuring his safety. Yet, despite the efforts, Namjoon's condition was unwell.

The monitor clicked rhythmically on the side, displaying a low heart rate that echoed the fragility of his existence.

Suddenly there was noise coming from outside when The man pulled out his gun and walked towards them.. seeing Jin he put down the gun

"Mr. Seo. Where is Namjoon? Is he alright?"

Mr. Seo looked down and shook his head.

"Let me see him"

"No sir, you can't bear the view. Don't go inside"

"LEAVE.. let me go"

He pushed him aside and walked into the room when his whole world paused seeing Namjoon in that condition he never expected to see. He fell on his knees, tears streaming down his face. His shaky lips only said


The scene gave Goosebumps to Taekook. Jungkook walked outside and broke into tears seeing His hyung covering in a band-aid like that.


I couldn't believe in my eyes what I saw just now. My Namjoon is laying down half dead infront of my eyes. I slowly get up and walked closer to him..

"Namjoon" My shaky voice called him. "Namjoon? Can you hear me?wake up..why are you sleeping like this? You have to talk to me"

Namjoon's heart rate fluctuates on the monitor screen when the Doctor warned.

"Calm down Sir. Don't talk so much, it's giving him stress."

"I'm sorry doctor but I can't stay calm"

"You have to stay calm if you want his recovery. Give him some time, he'll be fine"

" sure he'll be fine?" The doctor nodded when i asked.

"You just need to take good care of him."

"Tell me anything, I'll do anything to make him recover. I can do anything for him. Tell me what should i have to do"

"I wrote medicines here, And You need to change dressing and bandages and put this ointments time to time. He'll Slowly recover. It's actually was critical as he burnt badly, anything could be happened with him but he's lucky that he's safe"

I nod. "I'll do everything"

Doctor nods and left the place.

"Taehyung?" Jin called

"Yes hyung?"

"Bring all these medicines please"

"Hyung the Shop is too far, we should order online"

"No, It'll be risky, He is the mafia king, and He's weak now, His enemies are keeping their eyes on him always, So I don't want any mistake"

"Okay and Jungkook will go then"

"Yeah go safely and be careful"

"Yes hyung, you please be strong okay?" he pat my shoulder. I nod and looked at Namjoon numbly.

They walked away when I slowly got closer to him and sit down.

A tear dropped from my eyes

"Kim Namjoon" a low voice came out my mouth. "You're angry on me right? That's why you're not responding to me right? I know it's obvious for you to stay mad at me cause i believed that you sent me those texts. It's all my fault that I didn't get faith in you but trust me Namjoon, Not a single day pass when I didn't miss you, miss your embrace, miss your eyes on me those dragon eyes on me, miss your dimple smile which comes for me, only me...I missed your scent on my bed. I missed all those old memories of you and me together, laughing,giggling, Enjoying life, sharing tears everything. I was craving for you each day but my heart broke whenever I recalled that text.. But I swear, After you, I've never looked at anyone, Never took a step in any relationship, I loved you with all my heart and still now Love you, only you."

My tears dropped more. I looked at him.

"Hey Joon..wake up love. I promise I'll never leave you again.. I'll hold you tight with me forever. No one can snatch you away from me. No one. I promise. Just wake up once, I'll tell you how much i love you"

I looked at his hands when his fingers slowly moved.

"Namjoon?" He's responding to my words..

"Namjoon!! don't take much stress, Just rest your body and Slowly wake up. I'll be here taking care of you however long it takes."

"You know namjoon? all these years when I was pretending to hate you, and you came in front of me I started feeling weak but All i wanted to pretend strong, you don't know how hard it was! Whenever We fought, Whenever you said something harsh, I felt how you could hate me so much? But Now i know that you've never hated me, you were also doing what i was doing, Pretending."

I chuckled

"We both were too good at pretending that We both forgot, what makes us happy!"

"We need each other to be happy Namjoon"

"That's why I'm never gonna leave you"

I promise To you Kim Namjoon.

It's Kim seokjin's, your lover's promise.

Now get well soon.

I'M SORRY TO FORGET YOU(TAEKOOK FF)✓ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now