Weekend Away

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Letty's POV

It's been several days since the beach trip and Leah imprinted on Mason. The Cullens offered me a place to stay for the weekend. A cottage they are doing up for Bella and Edward. For when they return from their honeymoon. It felt a little weird the first night. But at least I am in the spare bedroom. Leah wasn't happy about me staying on Cullen territory for the weekend, nor was Paul. But I just needed to get away from the reservation for awhile.

Anyway, it's Saturday and I woke up early. I watched the sun rise with Mason. It was beautiful. When I arrive in the kitchen I see breakfast already made. There was a note.

Morning Letty, I thought you'd need to rest. So I made you breakfast, I hope you like it. From Esme I smile. She is so thoughtful. Breakfast was lovely. As I wash the dishes, Mason plays in his play pen when my phone rings.

I answer it. "How is Mason? Is he ok? What about you Letty?" Leah asks me concerned.

"We're both fine, we just had breakfast and Mason is playing with the toys you got him. He loves them" I tell her. I take a video and send it to her.

"Aw" she says.

"I have an appointment today" I tell her.

"Right, Paul is not happy about Dr Vamp being your doctor this time" she tells me.

"Carlisle is a fine doctor and has centuries of experience" I state. "By the way, how about when I get back Sunday night we have a sleep over?" I suggest.

"I'd love that" she states. "You find out the gender today, right?" she asks.

"Yes, I hope it's a girl. Though I'd love another boy" I tell her.

"As long as the baby is healthy that's the important thing right?" she asks. I agree. "I got patrol, call me later" she tells me and we said our goodbyes. I finished the dishes, then grab Mason and we walk to the Cullen house. It took about fifteen minutes to get to the stream. Emmett and Rosalie meet me there and helped us over. Then it was only another five minutes to their house.

I leave Mason with Rosalie. Knowing her love for children. She immediately took him outside as it is a nice day. "Are you ready?" Carlisle asks as we enter his office. I nod and my phone rings.

"Sorry" I say sheepishly and see it's Paul. I sigh, I wanted to forget him for the weekend. But if I ignore his call, he may think Mason and I are in danger. "Yes, Paul" I say when I answer it.

"I hear your having your next appointment and are finding out the gender" he states sounding annoyed.

"I invited you to the appointment Paul" I remind him.

"You didn't tell me you were find out the gender" he snaps.

"Don't take that tone with me" I snap back. "I invited you and Carlisle even gave you permission to come for the appointment" I state.

"I want to hear everything" he tells me.

"You may put the phone on speaker" Carlisle tells me. I nod and put it on speaker. Before placing it on the table. "Lets go through the physical first" he says.

"Of course" I say and we do so.

"Still a little below where I'd like you to me, try and up your calorie in take" Carlisle tells me. I nod my head. "Are you taking your vitamins?" he asks.

"Yes" I say.

"Ok, time for some routine questions. Then we can do the ultrasound and find out what you're having" he tells me. "Any cravings?" he asks me.

"Steak and fruit, but nothing weird thank god" I tell him.

"Any morning sickness?" he asks.

"None" I tell him.

"Are you up to date with your vaccinations?" he asks.

"Yes" I say.

"How much exercise are you having?" he asks.

"Well I'll be exercising more this weekend with walking here. But I average around 120 minutes a week" I tell him.

"Do you work?" he asks.

"No" I say.

"Any plans for travel?" he asks.

"Nope" I say.

"Ok, let me prepare the machine while you lay on the bed" he tells me. I nod and lay down on the hospital bed provided. Lifting my top a little to reveal my baby bump.  "This will be a little cold" he tells me and I nod my head.

It does not take him long to find the baby. "Your baby is growing well and has a nice strong heart beat. I'd say you're due around mid or late November" Carlisle states. "The baby is in the perfect position. Do you want to know the gender?" he asks us.

"Yes" Paul and I say together. It's the first thing he's said since the appointment began.

"I'm pleased to say, you'll be having a little girl" he tells us.

"A girl" Paul says happily. Carlisle hands me a paper towel and I clean the gel off of my stomach. "I'll see you when you get home with Mason" Paul tells me and hangs up. Home? What home? We have no home. Yes I live with mum and Quil, but it hasn't felt like home for a while. Maybe it's time I moved out, started a new life for my babies and I. Away from La Push and Forks.

"Are you ok?" Carlisle asks me concerned.

"Yes, just have a lot on my mind" I tell him.

"Well try not to stress, it is not good for you or your future daughter" he tells me. I nod my head. I thank him for the appointment and book another one. Before going to collect Mason and we return to the cottage. It was a nice weekend. It gave me a lot of time to think about the future and the sort of life I want for my babies & I.

When I mentioned them to Leah. She said she'd come too. That we could get a house together. Though it'd have to be somewhere with a forest, so that she can continue to shift until Mason grows up. We were thinking Clallam Bay, it's only about 50 minutes away by car, twenty by wolf. So we'd be able to visit our families and have them visit us. But we'd have our own space. We start to save while Leah looks for house for us to rent or buy.

Leah promised not to think about it when on patrol or in wolf form. Is all goes well, we'll be able to move in together at the start of next year. Hopefully nothing bad happens between now and then. I let Leah watch Mason, while I spend some quality time with Rocky.

As I hadn't seen him all weekend and I'm sure Quil didn't keep up with his training. So I took him for a walk and we did some training. I then bathed him and gave him a good brush. Before watching a movie with Leah and Mason while we ate pizza. Before she had to go on patrol.


Picture above of the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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