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Mae woke up when she didn't feel Ryan right next to her anymore

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Mae woke up when she didn't feel Ryan right next to her anymore. She opened up her eyes to see him getting dressed at the edge of the tent. 

"Morning, Darlin'," Ryan smiled as he buttoned up his shirt, "We'll be back by noon." 

"I can join you guys," Mae offered and Ryan chuckled as he watched her move her arm over her eyes. 

"No need, you did more than enough on the drive. Get some more rest, Darlin'," Ryan moved closer to her and she sat up to meet him halfway, the blanket slipping down her naked back. 

"Okay, just be safe and watch out for Tate and Carter, please," Mae asked and Ryan nodded, "Yes ma'am." 

Mae grinned, placed her lips on his, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Darlin', if you continue this, I might not leave at all and then we'll both be in trouble," Ryan told her as he broke the kiss while Mae continued to place kisses along his neck. 

"Am I not worth a little trouble?" Mae asked as she moved her mouth to his ear. 

"Darlin', you're worth all the trouble in the world-," Before Ryan could finish his sentence Rip called out from outside the tent, "Ryan, let's go!" 

"I'll see you later, Cowboy," Mae smiled as she reached over and placed a peck on his lips.  

"Later, Darlin'," Ryan greeted before leaving the tent. 


Mae had another hour of sleep before she got dressed, grabbed her brush and hair ties, and walked over to where her sister was sitting at the fire. 

"Good night?" Beth teased as she saw her sister walk up to her. Mae blushed slightly but grinned at her sister, "For both of us, I see." 

Beth took note of the brush and hair ties in her sister's hands before waving her over. Mae sat down on the ground between Beth's legs. Beth grabbed Mae's brush and handed her cup of coffee to her little sister. 

While Beth continued doing Mae's hair, Summer, Laramie, and Abby joined the sisters from their respective tents. Mae took note of how all five of them were blonde and definitely shared a tent with Cowboy the night before. The Yellowstone Cowboys sure had a type. 

"Look at all you sluts," Beth called out as a greeting to them and Mae choked on a laugh. 

"You two are sitting here too. I doubt you just wandered down from the house to take in the view," Summer quipped back. 

"We're different," Mae winked at the girls in a teasing manner. 

"Yeah, I'm a married woman and Mae here is engaged but yo tramps," Beth nodded her head and widened her eyes at the group. 

"Ah yes, that arcane ritual where you stand before family and friends and swear before God deity that you will surrender your independence and obey the man who you are betrothed to," Summer commented as she poured herself and the other girls some coffee. 

A Gambling Man // Ryan x OCWhere stories live. Discover now